Chapter 5

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I walked inside to see many naked women sitting, dancing and doing other things. Men also are there. They were openly fucking the girls, far much younger than them. Some were hitting them and it brought me again face to face with nightmares. Why this have to be this much cruel? Is this way one should treat girls? Like property? It is sick.

I felt someone's hand over my ass. I stiffen. It was the man from before. "So you are the new one?" He asked in a lust filled voice. "I can see why he wants you, but don't worry soon you will be out of his bed and into mine, and I promise to take care of you" He said and a shudder of disgust ran through me.

No way in hell I am bedding anyone of these sick men. Not if I can help it. I am going to run away and that is for sure. I know I have to run away from here. With a new determination in my mind I pushed his hand away from my body. He looked at me with strange expression. Then he smirked. "Playing hard to get huh?" He asked.

"I am not playing anything. You will stay away from me, if you love your life" I said icily. Inside I am trembling. "Now, now you are just bluffing, you are nothing but a slut, and you always be a slut" something inside me wanted to bash his head on the nearest wall. But before I could the door to the chambers had opened and came the Devil himself.

"Took you long enough?" he asked, his question was directed at me. I looked into his golden eyes and it transformed again into those mesmerising grey ones. He pulled me by my hand and inside the room. Then the door was shut behind me. I stood there waiting patiently. He was dressed in black robe and his white skin was visible underneath it.

"Speak your mind" he said turning towards the table and pouring himself something probably alcohol. "You have a quite exotic collection of human pets outside" I spat. It came out wrong. But I don't do nice after seeing the things I have seen. "They are just that, Pets as you say. I maintain a haram, but they are not only mine. They are spoils of war. A gift to my good soldiers," He took a swig of the red liquid. His eyes flashed golden again.

"So I am going to be the same, spoils of war I mean Alpha" I asked. "Mon Amore you think so low of yourself, and here I was thinking of making you the queen of my heart. Better of them all, you have something they never can have" He touched nape of my neck and I felt the same warmth spreading through my body. 

Why he has such an effect over me? It is just insane. "And what is that?" I asked. He pulled me impossibly close to his body. And his lips touched my neck. I wanted to push him away. I wanted to scream and to cry. But I remain frozen at that place. "You have my heart Mon Amore"

A muffled cry left my lips as he pushed me on the bed. I cannot do this. No I cannot. "Shhh... you need not to be afraid. I will be gentle I promise" He said like talking to a child. " please let me go" I begged. "You know I like willing woman?" He asked. "D...don't touch me, I beg of you don't do that" he laughed lightly. "And why should I listen to you? pet" he asked. "Because, I have your heart?" I said sounding unsure.

Another stream of laughter echoed in the air. "You make me happy mon amore, you make me so happy. Fine then, I will not touch you. I will not do anything to you. But you are to stay here in my chambers, Beside me. For the rest of your stay, "he paused and then looked at me with those deep mesmerised eyes of his.

"And when you are ready for me to take you, and you will be ready I know. I promise to fuck you harder than you ever been before" his voice turned challenging of a sudden, a smirk appeared on his lips. He turned around and take another swig of his drink. "You are pretty as an angel. Mon Amore, you are very Pretty" he said caressing my cheek.

I felt myself wanting to give in to him, do anything to please him. It was a scary thought. He frowned for some reason. Then his eyes landed on my shoulder and there it was a small mark. He touched it. And his nostrils flared in anger. "Who did this to you?" He asked enraged. "No one it is an old wound" I said as politely as I could.

"It is a bite wound." He replied dryly. It was a bite wound but I don't want to tell him, why I have it. I don't want anyone to pry into my past. He let out a breath of sigh. "Fine but one day you are going to tell me, everything about you Mon Amore" He said and kissed my forehead. It felt kind of good. It felt like home. But why I would feel good being in arms of one of the most vicious alphas'? It does not make sense.

"Mon Amore, you are mine, and I don't share what is mine" He said in a chilling tone. I was just too overwhelmed by all these things. "you are going to get bored eventually" I mumbled. He was quick on his feet and pinned me to his bed again. "I don't think I can be bored seeing your face Mon Amore. Just Promise me no one will ever touch you other than me. You are mine" He roared. I nodded unable to form any other word from my mouth.

"Good, now I don't want to hear another negative thing from your mouth Mon Amore. You are to do my chores, clean the room, help other woman in the kitchen, serve me to the best of your knowledge and make sure no one touches you." He added the last part a little too loudly. I think whole palace might have heard him.

"That was the idea, to make everyone hear you are off limits" he said. "I thought out loud didn't I?" I asked. "No, you didn't. I can read your thoughts and expressions. I am good at it." He said softly tucking the hair behind my ear. "Who was that?" I asked. "Who was who?" He asked placing comforter over me. The room was warm as the fireplace was making it warm.

"That man who had taken me here" I said. "Why are you interested in him?" He asked icily. What the hell is his problem? One minutes he acts sweet and another he acts as total douche bag. Is he bipolar or something? "Do you like him?" He asked again. I don't like anyone. I just want to get out of here to a place where no one would ever able to find me.

"No, I don't" I said in a firm voice. My voice didn't quivered, didn't faltered. It remained firm. Maybe he does not scare me anymore. "I will tell you this once Mon Amore, I am not a sweet guy, when it comes to my things, I am very, very possessive. Do not even think once that because I am behaving leniently I will let you walk all over me." Ok not something I was hoping for. How can I forget that he is a murderer.

"If you don't like the other women here, they will be gone by tomorrow. These quarters will only be share by you and me. And you can keep your son here. I will see that this place gets a nursery" He said with an emotionless tone and pulled me against him.

I lay awake rest of the night fear and anticipation killing me every minute. And only one question dwells on my mind. How am I going to get out of this one? This is hopeless. I can never possibly return to the place I suppose to raise my son into. But that does not means I will not try. I will try to get away. Yes I will.

Word Count: 1418 Words

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