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Five months later

"Victor you know the rules" I said. He laughed softly. "Yes Alpha, but I am going to defy them today" He replied playfully stroking my leg. "Victor, if your Mom Sees us like this she will be furious, you know how much she honours the tradition." I said pushing his hand away. Yes me and Victor getting married tomorrow finally. When I woke up it was two months that had past.

Everything around me had changed. Everything is different just one thing that hadn't changed was Victor and his love for me. And because his mother told us that he cannot see the bride prior to wedding currently Victor is holding me captive in his study. "Victor, let me go. If someone comes..." I paused. "No one will come here, I ensured that Xavy is there to keep watch and divert anyone who comes here." He said.

Xavier is Destiny and Xander's son, the crown prince of werewolf world. After the wedding tomorrow, Ronan and Paige will be stepping down and we will be taking their place. But that is not something that concerns me. Xavier concerns me more. He is very much distant now a days. He doesn't share anything with us.

Victor tried to het closer to him and he did but, from quite few days he is not talking properly to Victor too. Apart from his training with him and Ronan, and taking his Alpha training from his father, Daniel and Ronan there is nothing he shares with anyone now.

"Love you are thinking hard" Victor's voice snapped me out in reality. "Victor I am concerned about Xavier." I said. " So am I little mate, but unless we really know where he is hurting we cannot understand what is bugging him" Victor said and he was right. He kissed my forehead softly. "Now, let's use the time wisely my love" Victor said smirking.

I got ready for my wedding dressed in white. It was something I never thought will happen to me. "You look beautiful, pretty as a princess." Paige said. "Yes, a Princess, Victor's Princess." Amara said placing my veil correctly over my head. On the way I saw Xavier and an idea came into my mind. "Xavier can I talk to you for a moment?"

I walked down the Aisle with Xavier. Yes I did asked him for this. I did asked him to give me away. "Thank you for doing this" He nodded. I look in front of me and he was waiting for me on the other side of the Isle. I imagined this moment many times but never in my life I ever can anticipate all the butterflies that erupted in my stomach. It is something which is not I can ever measure. I gave my hand to Victor and sudden jolt of electricity graced its presence all over my body. The tantalizing electricity that had presented itself that day when he held me first like this.

His greyish eyes smiled at me softly. His lips formed a upward curve and he said something in Xavier's ear. He nodded getting out of premises. "Dearly beloved we gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. If anyone have any reason why these two people shouldn't get married speak now, or forever maintain their silence" The Priest waited for few moments and then said "Right if you have your vows I would like you to say them"

Victor Nodded. "I know the love that we had is a different kind, It is something not measured or defined by boundaries of any kind. It is something that runs in my blood, that nurtures my soul, for you are not only soul mate, you are me and I am you. And that is something never ever will change Mon Amore. I will forever love you, for richer or for poorer, for good or for worse, in sickness and happiness, I will forever be by you side, hold you when you cry and kiss those tears away. I accept you as my wife."

I was in tears no one ever said something so deep, so memorable for me. It stuck somewhere deep and I know words can never describe what I feel for him. "Victor, I didn't know we could come this far and we can someday stand like this, to be forever joined as one. If someone would have told me I am going to get the darkest alpha on the planet I would have run for the hills. But that darkness is something that helped me see the light. I can never be afraid of that darkness ever again, because you will forever be there to guide me through it. And I will be there for you standing at the end of the day to welcome you to our home and my heart, because you hold it and it will be forever be yours. Not because you are my soul mate or my husband but because you are a part of me without which I cannot see my life anymore. I will forever hold you close to my heart as my husband from this day forward, for Richer or poorer, for best and worse, in sickness and health till eternity."

"Now I pronounce you as man and wife and you may kiss the bride, would you be liked to joined by the blood ritual?" The priest asked. "Yes, we do" Victor and I both said. The chalice was bought and we both joined hand and let our blood flow together. We recited the ancient vow together and I felt us getting to know each other in more ways then possible. When the ceremony got completed he kissed me hard.

Before the reception we changed our cloths for the coronation ceremony. Victor was dressed in his signature black outfit and I was wearing Red, the royal colours. He smirked at me when we walked towards the thrones. We sat down and King Ronan and Queen Paige smiled at us.

The minister recited from a parchment about the change of times when New queen and King takes over the crown. He recited our duties. "Do you Crown Princess Winter Donavon solemnly swear to protect the rights of the citizens, to defend the weak and honour of the crown till the day you die?" The minister asked. "I do" I said clear and loud.

He repeated the same for Victor he replied with a I do too. Then the crowns were placed on our heads. "We give you The Rogue King Victor Donovan and his Luna Queen Winter Donovan , May Goddess bless your soul and keep peace and prosperity in your realm." Everyone bowed down accept for our mother and father and our family.

After the ceremony there was a reception. There was first dance of father and daughter, since I don't have a father, Ronan stepped in and we danced. "May I cut in?" I saw King Xander asking. Ronan smiled and nodded. King Xander danced with me and we share few memories.

After our Dance, I danced with my Husband who looked equally impatient. "What happened Victor?" I asked. "I can't help it Mon Amore, you look so radiant and beautiful, I cannot wait to take this dress off you" I looked down shyly. He put a finger under my chin and made me look up. "Don't shy away beautiful, You are all mine always, and you are forever be beautiful in my eyes, the most beautiful of them all Mon Amore."

He kissed my forehead. And then made me sit down on a table. "Ready for my gift Amore?" Victor asked. I nodded thinking what embarrassing pictures he must have of me and how he was going to torture me now, for my husband is one of the most mischievous man I had ever known.

The video begin and I kept my eyes glued to the screen with anticipation. When the first slide show came, I almost screamed with joy, I cannot believe it was candid of me. The first day I met him. And there were more of each day we spent together, our dates, our first kiss, our fights and the short clips he recorded when he was not with me. There even was a picture of him holding little Dante. He was looking at him with love, fatherly love. And then there was me and Dante. When he took that? There was him and Dawn. His princess, his heart. He looked adorable sleeping with her on his chest.

And then there was a clip of him proposing me. I cannot believe it, he did that. He saved all our memories. Then I heard Xavier's voice, "Yes they are not perfect but that is why they are real and they are together now winning against every challenge that life had thrown their way. And that make them one of my favourite couples in this entire room." I sensed his voice falter when he said that. What did happened to him.

"It was not much, but..." I jumped at Victor and he caught me effortlessly as always. "Are you kidding, this is so far the best gift I can ask for." I kissed him softly. We cut the cake and then we danced some more. At night he made love to me and let me tell you it was the best kind of love making session I ever had.

Everyone including Xavier came to see us off to airport. Xavier still looked disturbed. I wonder what is bothering him. He looked at Victor and said for only me to hear "I need your help"

Word Count: 1622 Words

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