Chapter 20

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I was asked by victor to report to his office and to my dismay I cannot find Dante anywhere. Now where could this kid be? I searched entire house but he was not there. And that made me start to panic. I decided to ask Victor and as out of habit tried to mind link him. Then I realised that I cannot mind link him because neither I have the mate bond nor I belong to the pack anymore.

I picked up the phone and dialled his number. After few rings he picked up. "Yes" He said from the other side. For a moment my heart stopped beating. He sounded so... how can I say that he sounded so sexy. "Mon Amore, you can say what you need. I would be happy to help you" I almost dropped my phone. Stupid, stupid me, 

"I...How did you know?" He chuckled again. "The question you should ask my love is how I don't. I know you, everything you do, even I know the sound of your breath, and your heart beat." That sounded cheesy. Well I love cheesy.

"I know your thoughts and if you are searching for Dante you will not find him there he is with me" He replied before even I can ask. How does he do that? "He insisted helping me with my alpha duties. So, if you want to find him you should come here" 

How did he knew again? It is creepy. I put the phone down and walked out of his house. I cannot call it mine because it is going to be of someone else. I have to face the reality and his chance of getting another mate anytime soon. I have to be ready to face the reality.

I walked towards the pack house. To tell the truth I am kind of not in hurry to meet all those people I had left behind. I don't want to walk inside that pack house and I didn't actually, well until now. I have no choice but to go inside because I was summoned. I wanted to bolt but I didn't. Sooner or later I have to face them.

As I walked inside I saw the people whispering among themselves. I played with my fingers as I walked towards his office or the throne room. I didn't want to get all my memories refreshed just yet. Also, I cannot avoid him forever, especially if he is creating the fatherly bond with Dante. I walked towards the door. 

I saw he was sitting on the throne, wearing all black and his crown was tilted over his head. Something's never ever changes. Only thing that changed here is Dante who was playing with figurines which was spread over the board placed in front of them.

"No, not again" Victor said making a sad face. "beat you again Pwince" My adorable boy said. "What are you two doing?" I asked. "Playing clash of clans' old way?" It came out more like of question than answer. Dante is obsessed with that game and he is just fifteen months old. I guess he did get some of werewolf gene.

 "And, why are you playing it the old way? It is available as an interactive app if you don't know" He chuckled. "I know Mon Amore, but this is a way teach children especially high ranking children battle strategies." I smirked. "Then you never ever are going to beat my son." He shied. "Yes quite right, I can never beat my own son in the game that I know from heart. He will grow up quite a genius." He said softly ruffling his hairs. I don't want to give him any kind of false hope.

"Why did you call me here?" I asked him. He looked at me up and down and up again. "You look beautiful." He commented. I on the other hand crossed my arms over my chest. He looked at me weirdly. Then he shook his head and said "Can I ask you something?" He asked. 

"Yes you can" He scratched the back of his neck and then looked at me. "Well, will you come with me for a walk?" He seems nervous. He should be. "What if we got ambushed?" I asked. He pulled me to him so we are chest to chest and my nose was touching his. "I will protect you as I promised. I will protect you with my life."

I didn't like the sound of it. Frankly speaking I never ever liked someone to die for me even if I hated that person, I will never ever wish that kind of thing. It is cruel and inhuman. "Right now, I just want you to Protect my child. I think I have few skills of my own otherwise no one would have been searching for me and I wouldn't have bounty over my head." I said.

 He pulled my hand to his mouth and kissed on the back of my palm. "I am glad that it happened otherwise I may never have this opportunity of having you by my side. Now shall we go for a walk?" He asked. "If you insist then it's alright"

To say that I am nervous was an understatement. I am terrified and If he was not holding my arm I may have fallen down until now. My nerves are jittery, or maybe it was because of those shivers I am feeling all the way to my body. Is it means something? Do I love this man in some my own twisted fantasy? Maybe I do. And who knows how can it grow. You may never ever imagine about it. You can never anticipate how it can grow.

"So, how are you liking it so far?" he asked me. "It is kind of different than I had imagined. Everything is kind of enlightened" I don't know more right word for describing the situation now. It is very much different. Yes, everything here is changed turned one hundred and eighty degrees. And it is strange thinking that some time ago, this place can be compared to the valley of death. "What are you thinking Mon Amore?" 

He asked softly still not letting go of my hand. "Thinking about finding new mates, I mean you are free now. I am sure moon goddess will grant you a new and beautiful mate." I said, and it was not an entire lie. I did think about it millions of time. Lots of what ifs which answer I don't know. I cannot know actually. It is kind of frightening.

He lifted up my chin and placed his lips over mine. I was totally taken aback by the amount of shivers and sparks ran through my body. I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. He pulled back and kissed my forehead. 

"I cannot help it anymore Mon Amore. I didn't accept your rejection so I could let you go. I accepted your rejection so I could make you see my side. Make you see how much I really can love you. And no I don't want another mate. I just want you and Little Dante. I Love you and I want you to Love me back. This time without any reason, I want to fight for you, to have a claim over you. To have a claim over your heart, and no one can ever take that right away from me."

I pulled him in my arms and hugged him tightly. I cannot help it. I am overwhelmed by these all emotions. Though I can never ever forget what he did to me. But in short of weird twisted way I know we belong together still, even when we do not have our mating bond. "Victor I can never forget what you did to me." I said and he looked at me guiltily.

He should be guilty of his actions but I cannot see the defeated look in his eyes. "But I forgive you. I will try to look pass these things. I will try to rekindle our lost relationship. I can just promise to try, but I cannot guarantee you anything." His eyes held hope which I cannot crush.

"That what I want anyway. I want a chance with you Mon Amore. A chance that everyone deserves why cannot I deserve the same? Am I that bad thatyou don't want to do anything with me anymore? Tell me Mon Amore what I have to do to prove that I can change too? I can love too? I can love you." The last part was almost an whisper. I don't know that answer to that question. How can I tell him? How can I tell him something that is still a puzzle to me?

"Nothing Alpha, absolutely nothing, you have your chance now it is up to you that how you want to use it." I said and he nodded. "Then My love I shall use it very well. I promise you that" He kissed my forehead again.

Word Count: 1516 Words

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