Chapter 13

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I woke up when I heard a cry. I looked around at the infirmary. I have to be stop waking up in here. "Don't sit up dear" I looked the first friendly face, 

"Dr. Grey" I said. "Yes darling, and guess what? We are back home" She squealed. Home? Which home? Last time I checked I had none. No I didn't have a home. 

I had a sanctuary, but that is also far from here. Too far to be reached now. "M...My Baby" I asked. As soon as I asked someone came inside and my eyes widen.

"Jeremiah" I cried. "Oh my winny, I should have never left you alone." He said softly cooing the baby in his arms. Not just any baby, my baby. My Dante. He named my baby Dante, but I quite liked the name. 

"Jeremiah, how did I ended up here? Are you in Dark pack?" I asked. "Oh god no You are in crescent moon pack. We demanded that if you are not given back to us then we will go on a war with Dark Pack."

"B...But why me?" I asked. "I didn't keep that demand" Jeremiah said. "Actually I did" I looked at the owner of the voice. "Eldora, I though you hated me. I thought you don't want to see my face" I looked at her confused. Why would she want to save me? Knowing mine and Jeremiah's past.

 "Drink first, you are severely dehydrated." Dr. grey told me. "Should I call you Luna Grey then?" I asked her. "Oh no, I am not Luna anymore, she is" I looked at Eldora's mark and squealed. 

"Finally, I thought I have to hit on your head to make it get through your thick skull Jerk" I called him by his nickname. He growled playfully. "Jeremiah let her rest, come let us put little one to rest." Eldora said.

"His name is Dante" I told her and she smiled. "It is actually a good name. come on let her rest once she is healed fully, you can growl at her all you want." Jeremiah didn't protested. If it was someone else he would have been flipped.

 She had him wrapped around her little pinky. It is refreshing to see normalcy. I looked at Dr. grey, "Thank you for saving my son, more than once, thank you for saving me. Without you I might not have been alive and back to where I belong." She said softly kissing my head.

"How long I had been like this?" I asked. "You almost six months, you have given up hope, but Jeremiah insisted that we keep you on ventilation. He was devastated and almost, almost gone at war with Dark pack. But then we all calmed him down. Eldora did mostly. He never left your side. Apart from spending time with his mate, and pack meetings rest of the time he was with you refreshing the times you both spend together, because someone said to him that talking helps, imagine that," By now I was in tears.

"He loves you in his own way child, even if you are not his mate, he loves you, and a part of his will always be yours, like a part of you will always be his." She said softly. "Eldora, is she alright with all of these? Is she alright with I am being here?" I asked. 

"Eldora was the one who negotiated the terms. She marched right up to his throne and demanded to let you go, because she heard what he did to you"

I cannot believe it Eldora did this, Eldora stood up for me. But why? "Life works in mysterious ways, maybe she did feel that it was right or maybe she did it just to keep her mate happy. You should know that You play a major part in Jeremiah's life. He knows you are broken, he is the only one who ever saw through your lies. He cannot stand if someone had hurt you. Though he does not love you anymore, but he cares. We all do" 

With that she gave me some medicine which made me sleepy. My eyes drooped soon and I gave in to sleep.

I jolted awake as I felt a sweet kiss on my forehead. I looked around my room and saw no one in vicinity. Who had kissed me? Was it all a dream? I maybe just dreaming, yes that was it. Because only one who could actually like to kiss me was Jeremiah, and he must be with his mate now, as sad it sound it is true. 

I stood up wobbly on my feet as the sun just began to rise in the sky. The sun rays felt good after a long time. My muscles protested so I took my seat next to window. I was seeing these lands after a long time and it is making me feel nostalgic.

It was late when everyone woke up. No one was an early riser as me. But now I feel tired to my bones. Dr. grey came inside of my room. She looked at my appearance.

 "I have told Jeremiah, he can take you to pack house. He had prepared a room for you there and I told Eldora, to prepare a special bath for you. The herbs will help your skin, with the marks and healing. "I don't want to be healed." I said mumbling. 

"Why not child? Why don't you want to heal?" She asked. I shrugged. She shied. "one of these days you have to talk to us. You have to let us in, it is not healthy to keep things to yourself." I didn't answer. I didn't wanted to talk, not to anyone. She does not know. Only the dark pack knows. It should stay there. Not in this pack. It will only disturb the peace and harmony.

Later Jeremiah took me to his house. No, not the pack house, like I want to impose more than I already did, he took me to his own house. The one he is suppose to share with his mate. I know how I would feel about this. It is too much one can take. Can I just get my own little house somewhere, a job and maybe raise my kid in peace.

I was put to bed while Dante was taken by Eldora. She had grew quite fond of him. It makes me think why she had not got kids of her own. It is quite shocking actually. They are mated for months now. And I do not want to pry in their relationship. 

It would be rude to do so after what they had done for me. I cannot still believe that she is the one who stood up against one of the fiercest alphas. I cannot believe he gave me up without a fight. I was his mate or am I not?

He hit me in front of all the dark pack. He is nothing but a monster. I shivered pulling my duvet tightly around me. Suddenly feeling like a little girl that had forced to grew up too fast and too soon. 

The innocence that that little girl had was snatched away from her in the worst way possible. And every time I close my eyes I just found myself stuck in the moment. Stuck when I was thirteen, stuck when it happened. And I grow terrified all over again. Feeling it all over again, being scared and hidden inside the bed, I don't want to feel that ever again.

I pulled my duvet up to my head and sat there in silence. I wanted to cry, wanted to scream anything but this. Anything but this, Suddenly my duvet was pulled off just enough to reveal my face. I looked at tired face of Jeremiah. "Sorry, did I woke you up?" I asked. "No, I could not sleep," He said. 

"Eldora?," I asked, "Asleep like a baby, and you should be getting some sleep too, unless you want to talk." I shied and pulled the duvet over my head. Definitely I am in no mood for the talk.

Word Count: 1368 Words

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