Chapter 26

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I was sore and barely able to walk. Victor looked at me concerned. "I told you, you could have stopped me, now you are barely able to walk" I smiled at him. "I am alright. And you will be there. I can always hold on to you Victor" He nodded. 

"You look beautiful. And you are all mine now" He said possessively. Dante came running and jumped at bed. "Other than him, sadly I have a competitor and a good one." Victor ruffled his hairs and he scowled. "Bad dada" Victor laughed lightly and picked him up.

We walked hand in hand to the alter as he calls it. Not exactly an alter but a stage made up of sandstone. It was in middle of the ground that was surrounded by the pack house and other houses. Like ours. I am starting to miss my family. My mother, my father. And Jeremiah. 

I so wish they were here right now with me. I am just too nervous to accept the full responsibilities of my position partially because I am not a wolf and partially because of my past, which my mate as he calls himself is not aware of.

Victor looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile before facing his subjects, as he calls them again. "Thank you for coming at such a short notice, as most of you know I have found my mate, exactly a year ago from today. But there were few minor setback, and few misunderstandings between us. But for the past few months we did resolved it and I am very proud to announce your Luna and My mate Winter Coraline Richards today, may I have the knife"

One of the girls moved forward with a wooden case and kneeled down in front of Victor. Victor opened the box and inside was a jewel encased dragger. He picked it up and looked at me. He took his hand and made a cut at his left palm. "Give me your hand Mon Amore" I didn't liked the way he sounds now. My hand shook as he held it. I think maybe it is an effect of our extracurricular activities we were doing all day long. He made a clean cut on my right palm.

Then he joined our hands. "I Victor Gregory Donavon, Alpha of the Dark pack and heir to the throne of Rogue King take you Winter Coraline Richards as my Luna and the Princess of the Rogues." It was like hundreds of voices suddenly filled my head. I can hear them talking at once. I clutched my head as Victor held me so I don't fall. "Focus on my voice block them out baby" He said stroking my head. I tried and concentrated on Victor's voice. Minutes later I was up on my feet again.

He initiated Dante on the pack, only he didn't slice off his palm, just His finger. Also, he announced him as his heir and next in line for the Alpha of the Dark Pack. Things could really go bad for my little kid now. I wanted him to live freely, live as a free man at least till he comes off age. I don't know what his future from will now be here, what is written for my precious boy.

"Don't worry, he will do fine. He has makings of a great Alpha" I saw a man say. "You are?" I asked. "I am Beta Joseph, you can call me Joe, I was the gamma before Norman you know permanently kicked out of this pack. He is last of the original ones, I frankly never knew why Alpha kept him around and let him do whatever he pleases to do." I shuddered at his name. I still remember what he did and I cannot believe Victor let him do that to me.

But if so then why he was so angry when he learned that his precious beta had raped me? It was many things that I don't know about Victor, even when I am her past two months, even when we gotten this much closer. His nightmares, his mood shifts, they are hard to decipher. 

"I know that look Luna, you give him time. Alpha is a good man, just misguided and blinded by his rage for his father. And others only used it as an excuse to their own bidding." He said softly.

I think there are many, many mysteries in this dark pack, that I certainly not am aware of and the Alpha is one of those mysteries. Victor is not as simple as he shows himself to be. He is no way an open book, and I have a feeling that some parts in that book are somethings he might not be aware of himself. I felt Victor hugging me from behind. 

"That went well" he said and kissed my forehead. "Yes, that went well" He took my hand and ran his tongue along my palm. "You are beautiful" He picked me up and twirled me around in circles, not caring who looked at us.

"Put me down Victor" I said laughing. "Miss Winter Richards, you make me the happiest man and wolf alive. I can never ever and will ever have a better life partner than you. My Mate" He gently set me down. "So, in the customs of the Dark pack when An alpha founds their mate, they lead a hunt on the next full moon. Luckily today is the full moon" He informed.

"Victor I am no wolf, I cannot run as fast as you can" I said. "I think you will prove me wrong Luna, But for today I will keep the things at your pace all of them" He winked. I saw the pack members gathering around us in circles and they leaned down in front of us. Children were in care of elder pack members and Dante too was there. As he was small enough now, he could never ever have shifted.

 I saw pack members getting up one by one after Victor nodded at them. They got beside trees and came out no longer in their human forms but as their wolves. Victor and I were last one standing, Victor kissed my palms and let me go before oh so gracefully shuffling out of his cloths each of them. I cannot avert my gaze from his god like body. I don't know how other females can actually not want piece of this hotness.

I was surprised to see no one around me. They gave us our privacy and I was glad to have my own strip dancer.

You are going to do same later in private

I heard In my head, males. I saw him chuckle and jump and in mid air his body glowed and transformed into black-grey wolf, he looks beautiful, mesmerizing even. I wanted to run my fingers alone his fur. And as if he understood and pressed his snout on my palm. His cold nose tickled my palm. I softly stroked his fur looking into golden eyes of his. "Welcome home Ryker" He barked in appreciation.

Let's run together my Luna

I heard his voice in my head and if his wolf could have nod, it would have because it did a weird thing looked at the moon and howled. Minutes later other howls joined him and I stood tall with him almost reaching my shoulders.

He took off at a slower pace first all wolves followed me and him as we ran deeper into the forest. I can feel the wind hitting on my face and there is no other good feeling than that. We moved deeper and he stopped and howled again. Then he took off. He may have killed a small rabbit and took it towards me and kept it on my feet. He howled again and every other wolf took off in random direction.

Then he changed back into his human form. "Welcome to my pack Luna, now you are fully and officially are mine." He pulled me closer and I saw the night sky filled with stars. We looked at it, they were sparkling like diamonds "beautiful" I said.

"No my love you what are what is beautiful here." He softly kissed me and that is when I know I have to let go of my fears and embrace what is in front of me my Victor, my life and my Love.

Word Count: 1418 Words

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