Chapter 15

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Eldora was the first to sprang into action. She pushed me behind her and took up a fighting instance. "Don't come near her, she does not need you. She has us and you are free to leave" He looked at her and tilted his crown sideways. How it does not fall from his head is beyond my brain.

He smiled. "Is that so Mon Amore? You don't want me anymore? You don't want your Prince? Tell me and I shall take the leave then, I have so much to do. I still have to conquer my father's kingdom and then of King Xander's my uncle after that I think I will go to my aunt Amara, sorry Celestine. I am so excited" He said in a bored tone.

"Sure, you can go and do whatever you want to, we will not stop you..." She paused. "Yet". He smiled again showing his pearly white teeth. "Luna Eldora, I never seen someone so keenly protecting her advisory before, I must say I am a little amazed. You don't even care that Jeremiah would never look at you the same way if she stayed" He sure have way with words. And he can piss anyone off easily.

"Yes he will not be happy if she leaves with you too. And I cannot risk after what you did to her." His face fell and all the playfulness vanished from his features. "I know, and I shall never forgive myself ever for that, neither will she forgive me, But I am still her mate and I need to protect her from anything and everything that might harm her." He said.

I was speechless was an understatement I nearly had lost my voice. Is he really the person I rejected? Is he the same one who had lashed me in front of entire kingdom? "What is your wish? We can throw him out of here if you asked me to do it" Eldora asked me.

What do I want? I know I want to get out of here and away from him and all the people. I don't want to have any business with any one of them. At this moment I wish I never had find out about this powers I never wanted to have and they are calling me a witch? I am everything but a witch. "He can stay here but tell him not to approach me or Dante, not ever try to talk to my son or me or else he will just have to be banished from the lands. There is a reason why I had rejected him in first place."

I saw his fists clenched at his sides as he bowed in front of me. "As her majesty wishes" he said in a chipped tone and looked at me as if I was the most precious thing in this whole world. I know it was not him. He does not show any compassion. He cannot. He retreated and I walked towards my room. I picked Dante in my arms and stroked his hairs. I know I have to go away. I cannot make myself go through all of those horrible things again.

Dante's big eyes looks so hopeful, so fill with amazement and adoration. I want to protect this childhood. The childhood which I never really had, I clutched him in my arms my precious little boy. "I will protect you with all my life my little angel." I said softly to him as I put him in the bed.

I heard a knock on the door and saw him standing in front of my door. "Permission to speak your highness" he asked me. I am getting annoyed and irritated. For some reason I cannot tolerate his presence anymore. But because he is my mate I cannot deny him attendance can I? I was lucky enough to not feel that undeniable kind of mate bond between us. But again I really don't want to have a mate, not from this world or any world ever.

"Be quite I don't want you to wake him up, Jeremiah is not here to put him to sleep again." I said quietly. I saw his eyes getting narrowed and his jaw clench. He looks very good by the way. But I am so over him. I was over him when he beat the shit out of me. "Dinner is served you are requested at the dinner table" He whispered. I looked at him and then turned around slowly. "I do not need an escort to be anywhere" I looked around to see him gone.

I looked at my closet and picked out a night gown. Suddenly my heart felt so heavy. My eyes started to water. All those emptiness came crushing on to me. The reality of situation had hit me hard. He was made for me but he can never love me back. 

No he didn't, he will never... I sat down on my knees as sobs kept reeking my body apart. Why me? Why always it is me? I never wanted to choose this life. I was normal girl with little dreams of my own, all of which were shattered and crushed beneath their feet.

I locked my door having lost my appetite, and I pulled the covers up to my head. I felt tears trickle down my face. Yes I am weak, I am not a fighter, I never have been a fighter. Maybe that It why all of them pushed me around like this. They keep pushing me around again and again till I cried out from being like this. I cannot help but feel worthless.

That night I got no sleep, thousands of things were running through my mind, but one of them is pretty obvious it was none other than my ex mate. But wait he still not my ex because he didn't accepted my rejection. I don't know why he want to keep going with this. I mean what he expects me to do? He expects me to run back to him and accept him back as my mate? No. it was out of question. He is not my mate. He is not my anything.

I woke up tired than before. These nights I have not been sleeping well with everything going on. I wanted to get out of here. I have to for my sanity and sake of Jeremiah. Also I have to run away not only from the attacker but from my ex mate too. I decided to run again. This time I will leave no trail, he can never ever find me again. He can never touch me or Dante.

"Hey" Eldora walked into the kitchen as I was about to have bite out of my good looking eggs. "Hi, Hungry? I made eggs" I said. "Starving" I served her and picked up my fork again. "So how are you holding up? You know with Victor and all these things?" She asked. "I am doing good, I would appreciate not to see his face more often, if you know what I meant" I said. She nodded.

I walked outside to see Jeremiah was sitting with Victor. My foot moved on their own accord. I put my hand over Jeremiah's eyes. "Guess who?" I said. "Only my Winny the poo" He pulled my hand from his face and smiled. "you look better" I said. "I feel better, much better than before thank you for visiting me in hospital" he replied sarcastically.

"I know I am sorry for it. But I was responsible for almost killing you. How could you expect me to show my face here after what happened?" I burst into tears all over again. "Hey winny, don't you ever say that. Got it? I chose to protect you. You are a very important part of my life. And I cannot just let you die on my watch. Especially when you have someone to take care of you. Dante needs you. He needs you, his mother. I don't want him to be like me, motherless." Oh Jeremiah.

I hugged him not carrying who watched. He is my best friend, my first in every fucking way. And I love him. I owe him my life. I don't know how many times he had saved me. "I am so sorry" I said softly.

 "Don't be sorry Winny, we are family and family don't need a reason to stay together, or protect each other." He said softly putting a small kiss on my forehead. I heard a low growl coming from someone's throat but I decided to ignore it. It is too precious moment to be ruined like that.

Word Count: 1453 Words

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