Chapter 28

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I was horrified at my appearance, I looked like a monster. My eyes were glowing silver, the silver streaks in my head turned blood red. And there were little canines in my mouth. My lips smeared with blood, his blood and I quite like the taste of it, that surely horrifies me.
 I was still naked My white hairs looked more predominant against my pale skin. As if I was a Vampire, only if there was one left.

"You look beautiful, pale as moon itself." He moved his hand over my stomach and I noticed it, a slight bump in my stomach. "Happy birthday my Love" he kissed the side of my face. "Happy eighteenth birthday." He said. And as he touched me I could feel all those sparks running through my body. I cannot believe it. But they were there present. "He pulled something from his drawer and placed it on my neck. The small pale blue pendent sits between my breasts.

He pulled my dress over my head and buttoned it properly. Then he got dressed swiftly. "Let's get you to Doctors" He said kissing my forehead and picking me up bridal style. He ran all the way to infirmary. "Here it is baby, let the good doctor check you" I saw a girl a little older than Victor. She was eyeing my mate hungrily. I don't know where I feel all this rage but I cannot help it.

"Stop looking at my Mate," I said in not humanly voice. Victor looked at me worriedly. "Mon Amore are you alright?" He asked. "Stop looking at my mate" I said again, that ginormous rage is only increasing ten folds by now. The girl only smirked at me. "You think you are good enough? You are only a human with freaky white hairs, you are just a freak" Victor growled lowly in warning.

But I was not feeling up to just growling, she shouldn't have called me a freak after all. I just looked at her and then I snapped. Something snapped within me. "A human? Is that you think I am? A human?" I asked. I pinned her to the wall by her throat. Me a pseudo wolf pinned a fully grown female wolf by her neck to the wall that is something.

"Mon Amore, stop you will kill her" Victor said. "I will show her that what exactly happens it she disrespects her Luna. I am her Luna and she thinks she is better than me. I will show her. I will show her how much I am better than her. She will think twice before challenging another alpha female ever again. I felt a pinch and then I dropped her. I clutched my neck and looked at Victor all those feelings of doubts returned to me.

"You sedated me?" I asked. Trying hard to find control of my body. "You are becoming dangerous. You don't know how to be in control yet. Forgive me Mon Amore" I lost consciousness with that.

When I woke up I felt funny, as if all the rage had drained from my body. I didn't feel angry at all. I didn't even remember what I was so angry about. "Slept well my Love?" I saw Victor asked smiling. "Yes, I think, what exactly happened?" I asked. "You almost killed a pack member. She deserves it anyway, but still we don't kill pack members anymore." I felt ashamed.

 "She was right, I am not fit to be a Luna" Victor pulled my chin up. "No, don't say that Mon Amore. There is no one more fit to be my Luna than you. I don't want anyone by my side but you. Specially when you are pregnant with my pup."

"I am what?" I asked. "You are going to be a mother and I am a father again. And that was a side effect from your mutated genes. Turned out my genes had mutated yours and Pregnancy only increased the process ten folds." He kissed my forehead. "So I am now a designated freak with silver eyes?" I asked. "No not now, I think you need to have adrenaline in your system to kick start the alternate ego of yours"

"You think that is a joke? Victor I can kill somebody and not even realize it" I said horrified. "I bit you" "And I am honoured because look" He said and there it was a mark of half moon and wolf. "I am honoured to be called yours forever my luna." He kissed my forehead softly. "I am looking forward to have many pups afterwards." He said and picked me up and took me to our house.

But what he said earlier was still in my mind. He was still attacking the packs, trying to conquer them one after another. He has blood of many on his hands. I cannot live with him knowing that. The blood of those innocent men and women and children are in my hands too.

 I decided that I should spy on my mate, I must betray him to save him. It is necessary, and it is needed to be done. I want a good life for both of my children. And this is not it.

He placed me on the bed. And kissed my forehead again. "Thank you for this gift My Luna" I saw his golden eyes. "Ryker" I said. "Yes, he let's me have a little time with my mate. I am honoured to have you." His placed a sweet kiss on my mouth and pulled back as his eyes fed into his silver-grey once.

"I have some work to do, pack business are you going to be alright for few hours alone?" He asked. "Yes, I think so. I think I will just take a nap" I said yawning. He smiled at me softly. "You should you must be tired, the werewolf baby will take toll on your body. I will cook for you whatever you will like After I return, how will it be for an apology for not being with you? Maybe another date by the creek?" I smiled back. 

"I would like that Mate, I like your cooking skills" His face blown into fully genuine smile. "I will see you later Mon Amore" He gave me one last lingering kiss and walked out of the door of the house.

Right who can give me information now? I walked out of the house pulling my jacket closer to me. I was too cold for my liking. And the Autumn wind isn't helping at all. I looked around the pack grounds, I wonder why they don't let me train here.

 Was it because I was fragile? Was It because I am a human? But I am certainly not a human, or else there will not be bounty over my head. I made sure to block Victor out of my thoughts or else, he could have known what I am about to do.

"Luna, what are you doing out at this hours? I heard you were sick shouldn't you be resting?" I heard a voice say. I looked at Beta Joseph standing in his training gears shooting bows and arrows at the target. And it is fascinating.

 "Why cannot you teach me to shoot that?" I asked. "Because Alpha is there to protect you, so is army of highly trained wolves" He said. Then he keep his bow down. "But I have a feeling that it is not what you wanted to ask me." He said.

"No seriously, why cannot I train too? I am not that fragile." I said. "Yes, you are not. I think Luna you are one of the strongest women I ever met. And I have met plenty" He winked shooting an arrow above my head. And it landed with it's target an apple from the high branch of tree. 

"Then train me at least I would know how to protect myself and my people" I said. "you should get the best teacher I am not that best teacher, it is Alpha Queen, and the Rouge Queen" My Mate's mother and his Aunt. Great.

"Joseph, can you do something for me?" I asked. "Anything you want me to, but I have a feeling this one particular thing I am not going to like am i?" He asked. "I want you to spy on my mate" He looked at me horrified.

 "I will be killed as a treason." He said. "And if you don't hundreds of innocent lives will be lost too. Tell me what it will be?" He thought for a moment and said "I will give you only one information and then you will never ever mention it again." I nodded.

"Thank you Joseph, I am sorry you have to go through this for me" I said. "I think I want to do the right thing once Luna"

Word Count: 1490 Words

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