Chapter 37

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I didn't know how am I going to face my mother after all these days. I was certainly terrified about it. I felt Victor hold my hand. He squeezed my hand as he was trying to reassure me that everything will be alright. Everything will be fine. But I knew it will not. It never is fine.

"I am with you Mon Amore all the time. I will be here right next to you" Victor whispered into my ear. I love how he does that, it makes me feel I am the only girl in this whole world treated like a princess. His princess. I saw my mother enter to the parlor through the door.

She looked at me then she looked at my mate. And there is that look on her face doubting about it all. "Winter, it had been a long time." She said softly. "And who might this young fellow be?" She asked looking at Victor. "Mom Meet Alpha Prince Victor Donavon." She curtseyed. "My prince" Victor nodded. "So, I have been told by Jeremy that you wanted to see me?" She asked.

"yes mom, it was very important for us." Victor slowly rubbed my back and it didn't gone unnoticed by my mother. So, she scowled. Oh, she thinks he is one of my on and off thing. "are you alright Mon amore? Sit down if you like" He said. "I am fine baby." I tried to reassure him but he still looked very much concerned.

"Mom, why don't you ask what you want to, and stop making assumptions." I said. "Fine then let me come to the point is he your mate? Or is he another of your flings? Someone whose bed you are warming" Before I can say anything Victor was pinning my mother by throat. "Do not talk to your queen like that, respect her or I will show you exactly how to respect her" Victor snarled.

I softly rubbed his neck and he let her go. My mother fell down, yes she is a fully grown werewolf but she cannot withstand the power of a royal and a skin walker. He pulled me close and kissed my forehead. 

"No one will say anything about my mate ever, or they will feel my wrath personally" He moved his nose along my neck making me shiver. "Baby, we are not alone" I said softly to him. "Do you think I care, I am in need of you. So badly" He added making me blush.

"Just let me talk to my mother and then..." I paused. "You promise Mon Amore?" He asked. "Yes baby promise" I said softly. "Then I have something special planned for us" he said kissing my temple. But he didn't left me. "Ask what you want to daughter" She said still not approving of us. Even after Victor told her what we are she is still skeptical about all this.

"I wanted to ask you, if you know who my real mother is" I saw Victor's eyes turn black and he said "Say only truth because I can detect the lie in your voice easily and you will not like the consequence of that" I held his arm tightly. He was angry at my mother because what she had said.

"Victor it is alright. I am fine, I am alright." I said softly. "Tell her what she wants to know, is she is your real daughter or not." Victor asked icily. I don't know why he was suddenly too much protective of me. I never see him like this. "Yes my prince" My mother said.

"She is my daughter, I have raised her" Victor was getting irritated. "Don't you dare lie to me" My mother looked afraid. "Victor you are scaring her. Please" I begged. "She is not my daughter. Not by blood anyway, I found her one night under full moon. She have white hairs, but as if magic happened when my wolf picked her up. Her hairs changed to red. She was glowing. I knew just then she might be very important."

"Mother you can sit down" I said. She sat down and I handed her a glass of water. She drank it slowly. "And I was right, when she grew old she started to show signs." She looked frightened. "Signs of what?" I asked. "Something strange, something not a wolf should possess. She can do magic. And I got frightened. So frightened for our lives. My children and my mates life. I contacted a local mage I knew he can help me."

I interlaced my fingers with Victor. "I tried to suppress your powers. I am sorry. I was afraid. I should have told you before. Maybe you not get bullied by the pack members. Maybe your life would have been good" She said crying. I hugged her. "It's ok mamma, I couldn't have asked for a better mother than you." She looked with red rimmed eyes and smiled at me.

"I am sorry Angel. I should have known. I should have told you the truth earlier" She said. "it's ok mom. You were trying to protect me. I can understand." I said. Victor nodded. "Do you love my daughter?" She asked suddenly looking at Victor.

 "yes, I do love her with all my heart" He said looking into my eyes and all I can see was love. "Then, I approve of you" I thought Victor would say something like he don't need anyone's approval but his reply surprised me.

"Thank you, I needed that" And there is a no hint of lie in his voice. He was desperately seeking for someone's approval. And my mother's approval did matter so much for him. "You are staying for supper right?" I asked my mother. 

"Yes, and can I meet my granddaughter? I heard she is as pretty as you" Victor smiled at that. "You got that right, as pretty as her and I bet when she grow up, she will be a heartbreaker" I smiled back at that "That is something that she gets from you"

Victor fed me. I was blushing the entire time. I am not very much open to this kind of attention but he was suddenly giving me too much of it. "Come on finish that" Victor scolded me playfully. "I am full and beside you are the one who should be eating" Victor laughed. I quite started to love this Victor. Playful, and cheerful. He not an Alpha or a place just a man in love and I think I love with his this side most.

"fair point Mon Amore after all it takes strength to tame you." I smacked him playfully and everyone turned silent. Probably knowing his reputation they were waiting for him to fume but he didn't in returned he smiled and said "What it is true unless you want me to prove it love" He said again making me blush.

After the dinner my mother decided to leave. She paid one last visit to Dawn. "She is beautiful. Just like her name Dawn" She said kissing my forehead and kissing her. She looked so beautiful. And she have wrapped her father round her pinky. 

"Yes indeed" I said looking at me daughter. Now that I know the truth, her future scares me. I wonder how she will turn out. Will she be a wolf or a skin walker or maybe she will become a witch and be discriminated like me.

"Hey love your thoughts are running wild." Victor said kissing me. "I wonder how she will turn out to be" I said. "Just beautiful and brave like her mother. Rest she will learn. But one thing I can say she will indeed be powerful. We just have to teach her to be kind. I wonder if I can be her hero. If I can become a father she wants me to be" I can sense fear in his features. I question myself same thing again and again.

"Like you said, we will learn, we wont be alone in this anymore we have people who care about us, about our daughter and she will be loved. She will be happy. She is our little princess and we will assure that she will be loved by everyone and when she discovers her powers we will be there to guide her along the way." Victor nodded.

"But before that I wanted to ask you something" He said. "What is it?" I asked. "I was thinking about it and" he sat on one knee and said softly "I cannot stay another day not knowing you are not fully mine so will you do the honors of marrying me and making me the happiest man alive?" my hand flew to my mouth and I just nodded not able to form any words. 

He pushed the ring at my finger and twirled me around. "I am glad you agreed. Thank you Mon Amore you made me the happiest man alive today"

Word Count: 1507 Words

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