Chapter 19

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He made me sit down in front of him. We are in his study right now. "What you want to talk about?" I asked. Although I have a pretty much good idea what direction the conversation will be heading into. 

And suddenly I feel extreme need to flee from this place again. I know I wanted out, but when I am really getting out I feel something is amiss. Very much missing, and I am not sure how I am going to find the missing piece again.

"I accepted your rejection" He said softly. I looked down at my shoes. "Felt like it would be a good way to free you from the bond that you do not want to have." I nodded. "Thank you." I said trying to smile but I cannot smile for some strange reason. 

I guess seeing Jeremiah and Eldora together had made me realise how lonely I really am. I feel so lonely, and when I look around me I saw no one standing by my side. Now since victor had accepted my rejection I felt the loneliness crashing all over me. I am simply very much terrified.

I felt his hand lifting my head up. "Isn't it something you wanted?" He asked. Yes I did with all my heart and soul, still it feels like my heart is tearing into two. Maybe I didn't want for him to accept my rejection. 

Maybe I just wanted him to accept his mistake and fight for me. Tell me that he does not care whatever happened in my past. He does not care about anything other than our present. But I think the hope vanished all together now. Secretly I envy his mate, he will have his second chance and me, I may never again fall in love.

I didn't realised I was crying until he wiped off the tears tumbling down my cheeks. "Don't cry Mon Amore, I am not worthy of your tears. You have every right to hate me. You have every right to despise me. 

For in past I have done so many things I am not proud of. For it would have been very selfish of me to keep an angel like you captured in a golden cage, and use your light to light up my darkness. You did light up my world angel. You did your fair share."

"Then Why I feel so empty?" I said not even thinking that he can hear me out. "Why I feel so broken, defeated, why I felt like I lost my everything. Like there is no point in doing all these things I do." He softly cupped my face. 

"Angel you have better things to do. You made to shine light on the world of darkness. People need hope and you can give them that. You have given me that. Hope for a better tomorrow. Hope to change the world for better. You cannot give up on yourself like this."

I still feel alone and broken. Looks like he too did not saw the person behind that smile, he didn't saw the real me who is crying for help. I stood up in order to sleep it off. But he held my hand, still there was no sparks.

 "I don't need a mate bond to fall in Love with you Mon Amore. And that is why I accepted your rejection. I wanted to Love you without anything forcing me to do so. That is why I severed the bond between us. If I cannot love you for real I cannot love you at all, in my opinion the Love should be real not forced. And we should not be together because of some chosen fate. We should be together because we chose each other on our free will. And the bond will be stronger so that nothing can ever sever it"

His eyes were wild, he wanted me to understand his reason. He wanted me to accept his decision. Well he is not to be blamed for that, I initiated the process. I rejected him in front of his whole court. I disrespected him, but he gave me many reasons to do so. And it is not my fault entirely. So we are even. "I understand, I rejected you first anyway." I mumbled but it was enough for him to hear that. 

"I gave you many reasons to, I beat you up" He said running his hands through my back. "Even for a werewolf it was very much, and you are not even a wolf. I regret that thing now. Doing what I did to you. I guess I am not the best person to be with. But for you I want to change. I want to be the mate you like to spend your life with."

I was in loss for words. Him admitting that he wanted to be the mate I want him to be was something I never imagine will happen. "Victor, I..." I paused as he looked at me expectantly. "You didn't call me Alpha, you called me Victor." He pointed out. "I know captain obvious but it was just one time. Now shut up and listen." 

He obediently followed my command as an obedient child. "I don't want you to change everything, Just want you to think rationally and not let your anger blind your judgement for you. For it is the quality of a good leader and a good person, you are not just an alpha, you are an alpha prince, you will be Rogue king someday and this is not how a king should be ruling his subjects." I said and paused.

He looked at me and said, "But a king is nothing if her queen is not beside him." I smiled at that. "You will find your queen someday Alpha Prince. And that day you will be happiest you ever been." And surprisingly it didn't pained me saying this. He looked at me and pulled me down so I landed on top of him. I saw his eyes they were different, no longer shining silver but as black as night. "I have already found her Little Luna."

 Victor was somehow sounding different. Somehow he was different. I don't know him at all. He is so unpredictable. And that is something that always had scared me to my bones. And that feeling is creeping back at my mind. Pure untameable fear, and I really don't know How to get out of this situation. He kissed my cheek and then my nose. No sparks, but there was something more than that. The shivers were there, and the warmth that comes afterward was also there.

Then he kissed my temple softly. He pulled me up and placed me on the couch of his study. He hovered above me slowly and his eyes met mine, no longer black but the mesmerising colour grey. The eyes that I love so much, I cannot believe I said that. But it is true. I really get lost in those, even now without the mate bond.

 "I am very lucky you know. Only few wolves can ever get chance of experiencing love in its truest form. I am glad I am one of them Mon Amore. I am Lucky to have a chance to Love you without being influenced by anything. To love the real you nothing forced me to love you"

Was he confessing his love for me? "Can we try this again? Can we try to get to know each other from beginning? I know I cannot reverse the time but I can sure make this chance count. Just one chance one more chance, I just want to show you. I am not the same Victor you met a year ago. I promise Mon Amore. A lot had changed since you have left me. And you did good by leaving me. It was the moment I realised I lost something I cannot ever replace. You are something I can never replace with any other female in this whole world. And It is not because you are born to be mine. But it is because there is no other, stubborn, beautiful, reckless and brave person alive who can stand up to me or stand beside me."

I chuckled at this and he smiled. "In short you are the female counterpart of me. And kind of my Twin, you fit perfectly with me. There is no other. I love you for who you are. I love you for what you are. I love you for the fact that you didn't bowed down to me, neither you cowered in fear. You laughed in pain, and no matter what I did it didn't broke you" He paused.

 Only if he had known. "It made you stronger" I have never been stronger. I never called all of those things before. I never was ever appreciated for anything. I was just shammed down because I was different than them.

"It is not because of that I didn't broke, it is because no matter what you do, you can never ever break an broken person" I said and let my mind drift into unknown abyss.

Word Count: 1540 Words

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