Chapter 32

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I heard many mixed voices as I float down an endless abyss. I hear cries, angry voices, pleads many things but nothing enough to make me want to come back from the dark place I am in. In end of many years I am finally found some peace for me. Silence and peace, it is someplace I want to be now, someplace that actually makes me feel secure.

Mon Amore, come back to me. You know I am nothing without you.

He lies again. I am nothing to him. I never been anything to him. He was never concerned with what could have happened to me after he done with his crusade. He don't want me as his mate, he wants to show me to the world as a prize.

Angel, come back to me.

No, I cannot not again, not again to those lies and cheating and false promises. Never again. I cannot get hurt. I don't want to be hurt. I want to free myself from all lies and suffering. I can never go back to that world where everyone trying to harm me in one way or another. Truth is there is no person in my life whom have come into it with pure intentions.

Mon Amore, I need you, Dante need you How am I going to be a good father all by myself. I need you, need you to show me how to love. Please come back to me, to us. I don't want to live without you.

I don't want to believe him. I don't want to believe anyone for that instance. But I cannot leave my child alone. I cannot do it. I love Dante too much for that. I saw the light for the first time. It was just a little flicker. But it was there. I walked towards it. Towards the voices. Towards the light.

I don't know what lay at the end of it, but I can try to grasp it. For my precious little boy. I have to get out of this endless abyss of darkness and despair. I saw a flash of light and next thing I know I was in a white infirmary room. I closed my eyes again opening them slowly to adjust them to light.

"Mon Amore, you are awake. You are alright" Those were the first words I heard from a very unlikely person. Yes he is my so called mate who almost killed me. Then I put a hand over my stomach. It is much bigger than I remember. How long I was out for?

"Mon Amore say something" He said to me. "water" I managed to get it out of my throat which now feels like dry sand paper. "Here, take slow sips" He said putting the glass on my mouth. I slowly drank the water and felt less parched. But my anger had not subsided yet.

"Please leave" I managed to say. I heard some footsteps and saw few familiar faces. "You woke up my dear" I smiled at her. Paige, she looked tired. She was carrying Dante. "My baby" I said looking at him. He squirmed in her hands and she put him down on floor. He ran towards me. And then climbed up. "Momma" I hugged my little boy in my hand and kissed his forehead. "My precious little boy" I said softly.

I saw Victor was still sitting on the chair beside my bed. "Mon Amore..." I held my hand up to pause him. "Don't, please don't call me that. Alpha Victor just, leave. I don't want you anywhere near me or my kids." "But they are mine too. They are my pups, I have a right over them." He protested.

I saw Paige softly touching his shoulder and telling him something. I didn't really got that. After that Victor got up and left. Paige looked at my sympathetically. "Do you have any family we can call?" She asked. "Jeramiah and Eldora, they are like my family." I said. "From which pack?" She asked. "Crescent Moon Pack" She nodded and picked Dante up. "Let Mommy Sleep and we can play for some more time ok?" Dante nodded happily. After some time, my eyes felt heavy and fell asleep.

I woke up with someone's voice loudly ringing in my ears and first thing I noticed was I am in different room. The room which was an almost exact replica of the Room Victor had in Dark pack. It was not even little puzzling how I got here. I heard the voices again and again. My eyes were now fully open and I was fully aware of where I was. I saw a heavy black silk robe kept over the couch. I picked it up and pulled it around my body.

I walked towards the voices slowly. I saw a half -naked Victor arguing with someone over something. He was only in his sweats and I saw his back marred with marks, fresh marks like whiplashes or cuts. It still made me felt like I am the one responsible for his suffering.

Victor was still arguing. And I really couldn't see who was on the other side. "She is asleep and as her mate still I am responsible for her well being" Victor said to the one who I cannot see. "Yes but she called out to me, she said we were family" I know that voice its Jeremiah. I without thinking twice pushed victor away and walked towards Jeremiah.

 "Jer..." I couldn't even complete the word when I was engulfed in a bear hug. He picked me up and twirled me like a small time. I cannot help but giggle. "Jeremiah, stop before I faint." He put me down and held me steadily. "Sorry Winny, old habits die hard." He said.

I smiled at him. I turned around to see Victor scowling at him. "She should be in bed, not standing." Victor said. "I can decide for myself Alpha Donavon, you don't have to babysit me" He opened his mouth to say something when I said "And don't even think about saying that it is because I am your mate, I am your responsibility. I hate to break it to you but I can take care of myself and my kids without anyone."

Jeremiah put his arm around me softly. "Relax babygirl, no need be stress over nothing here." I saw victor's eyes started to turn golden. "Jeremiah you should leave like right now" I said. Jeremiah looked at me confused but then I turned my head around and saw Victor was no where to be found. Where did he went to?

I took Jeremiah to my room. "You have grown into a ball. Never thought I could see you this much grown." I laughed at this. "How about Eldora? I thought I asked for both of you." I said. "Oh she cannot she is in last months of her pregnancy and ready to pop any minute." Jeremiah then looked at me and said "You had me worried Winny, you and I both know Mates aside, bonds aside, the bond we share is different then all of them. I cannot lose you. So, what were you thinking when you put yourself between both of those grown wolves?"

"I was just trying to prevent a genocide for the name of power." I looked down at my feet. He put his hand under my chin. "you are the bravest and stupidest girl I have seen in my entire lifetime Winter, truth is there will be no one else like you so please never ever scare us like that. I cannot bear another news like that one. I like to see you well and alive. This is the second time you have been very much dead like this." I smiled at him.

"Don't worry Jeremiah I am not planning on dying just yet. And I have to take care of my baby girl." He smiled back at me. "It better be true. Because next time I am coming to rescue you before you think about doing anything else reckless." I smiled. "Thank you Jeremiah" I said. "may i?" He asked looking at my stomach. I nodded. He placed his hand over my stomach and I feel the baby kick. "Oh she is going to be a fighter." He said.

 "And how do you know that?" I asked. "Because she can kick hard even now" I and him both laughed at this ridiculous comment. A knock on the door brought us both to the human world. I saw Ronan looking at us. "King Donavon" Jeremiah greeted. 

"May I talk to my daughter alone for few minutes?" He asked. "Sure I was just leaving anyways, see you later winny" Jeremiah said kissing my forehead and walking out of the door. "I looked at Ronan and asked "What you want to talk me about?"

Word Count: 1491 Words

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