Chapter 34

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I never in my entire stay here thought that someone could hate Victor more than me. But now when I see them I saw it, King Daniel is not fond of his nephew much. "Another serving for you my dear? You should stay healthy all these months" Amara asked.

"I am full thank you" I said looking at the stair off match between Daniel and Victor. "Don't bother by them, they always behave this way. But trust me when I say this Daniel Loves Victor so much that , it pains him to see him like this. This is why he acts like this " I really don't believe that this is love or anywhere near love.

After Dinner when we were sitting together in the living room, Daniel looked at me. "So have you told her?" He asked Victor. "Tell me what exactly?" I asked. "The alternate ego of His? The one he cannot control much" Victor looked at me and I look other way. I don't want him anywhere near me. "Please," Victor said. "Look at me Mon Amore".

"Tell me whatever you want to I am listening." I said. "I...I am a Skin walker, part anyways." I was confused what on the earth was Skin walker anyway? "I don't understand, I thought you are part wolf, like I am part something I don't know about" I said looking at Amara and she smiled.

"It is not Victor's fault you see, it is his mother's or she calls her his mother but we know now she isn't his mother. A skin walker is born when the forces of light and Dark combine. This is extremely rare. Mostly they are children of Vampire and werewolf. But since were gene is powerful than vampires it overpowers it leaving some in the offspring. They have some of their potential. Same can happen in a vampire offspring of this kind of couple." She paused.

"But on a very rare occasion, these two genes fused, either gave rise to a hybrid or they fuse and mutate to give rise to a skin walker. The possibility is so rare maybe one in hundred billion cases, they gave birth to a skin walker. Also then, it is rare that they survive first year of their birth. They are feared and hunted. I think Victor is last one" Daniel said.

Oh this is too much to absorb my head spinning with all these information. It is a lot to take in. Victor is one of a kind? Oh this will make him last one of his race. "Vampires exists? I thought they were myth" She laughed at this. "We are myths to most of the world. But you can see us don't you?"

Fair point. "So have you found his mother?" I asked. "Unfortunately no" Amara replied. Victor was too quite about all this. "There is one thing we didn't told you. Well I didn't tell you all including victor." Victor looked at his Aunt sharply.

 "I am sorry for hiding this from all of you. But remember when you killed her The black witch? She said until Victor Lives she will live. I think Victor had a piece of her inside him. And that is what was controlling his Skin walker side and I think his wolf was constantly in battle with that side." Amara Concluded.

"And what about now?" I asked. "I think the last part holding him captive was gone because of your sacrifice Winter. Love can be a powerful thing and there is nothing as powerful as selfless love, like yours" If I had that love now I don't feel a wink of it.

"And why you bought us here?" I asked Amara. "Because my dear, you are the last key of reviving the witch, you were made out of her dark essence, you are the daughter of The Black witch. The only living remnant and I am afraid that you could be in grave danger so is your children both of them." I started to laugh at this hysterically.

"I am sorry but I was born a wolf how can I be a witch? This is ridiculous. I am not a witch and someone is after me so they can do what revive my lunatic mother? " I asked. "I have a mother back at blue moon. How come my mother is a witch and I never ever found out?" I asked. 

"then what will explain your powers? The way you connect with nature, the way your life force can heal people? And most of all you broke the curse she had placed on Victor"

I looked at Victor he looked as confused as I am. "I don't know this all seems pretty fairytale , but frankly I don't know how it is possible." I said. "There is only one way to find out. We need to go to your old pack the blue moon pack" The name that place was enough to frighten me. I cannot go there no when Lance is there waiting for me. He will strike and I wont be able to survive this time.

"Mon Amore are you not feeling well?" Victor asked. "I...I am fine, is there any other way rather than going there?" I asked. "Why? Is there any problem?" Amara asked. "I...Just I am not very much welcome in that pack" I said. "I will go with you. They know who I am, they will not dare harm my mate" Victor reassured. But I don't think anyone can reassure me that I will be safe. At least from Lance.

"You must be tired, come on let me show you your room Winter" She said and I nodded getting up leaving Victor and his uncle behind. "So you are still angry on Victor?" Amara asked. "Is that obvious?" I asked her. "Uhh...huh" She said. "Take my advice and try to forgive him this time. As you know he was under the influence of a Dark spell. You may find an amazing person underneath all those wraps. You should open up to him" She added.

I was not sure if I am ready to be opened up to anyone including Victor. Specially Victor, how can I trust him after he tried to kill me twice? It does not seem fair. Amara opened up a room and said "There it is think about what I said and get some rest you look exhausted." I nodded and she left me alone in the room. It didn't took long for sleep to consume me.

I felt someone kiss my temple. My eyes opened to see Victor looking at me, His mesmerizing grey eyes looking pained. "What happened?" I asked, "Sorry that I wake you up. I had nowhere to go." He said. He look frightened. I never saw Victor like that. He almost seem terrified of something. "What happened?" I asked. "It was another nightmare. I have them almost every night since I came to live with my father and step mother." He said.

"Do you remember what it was about?" I asked softly trying not to frighten him further. "No, I don't remember anything about it. Only that it was very horrible and that It really terrified me." He said in a tired voice. "Sleep here tonight we will see what we can do tomorrow morning" I said softly.

"Tomorrow we are leaving for the Blue moon territory. I have called Jeremiah, we can stay with Crescent moon for the meeting, he will call your mother there. You don't have to go to the Blue moon Territory" Victor said. 

"Thank you for consideration, and not making me go through all the horrible memories I have of Blue moon again" I said. "Mon Amore, I understand it, I saw how frightened you were when you heard the name Blue moon. It is almost as much as I was terrified of my nightmares. How could I let you go through something, knowing that how difficult it can be for you?"

I nodded. "I still haven't forgotten Victor what you have done to me twice now." His face fell. "I know I am a horrible mate, but I am trying not to be. Sometimes I cannot control my actions as if some kind of blood lust was gripping me tightly. I cannot see pass that. But you have saved me. Twice now, I am sorry Mon Amore, I am sorry that you have to be with such a horrible mate" He said.

"Sleep Victor you need it" He nodded slipping inside the covers and I stroked his hairs softly as I felt his breath even out.

Word Count: 1448 Words

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