Chapter 14

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Dante had been growing really fast and I have been adjusting in my new life. But sometimes I cannot help but feel like prying. Not to mention that it does not help my condition. I can sometimes hear him. His screams, his cries, everything.

 I think I am going crazy. Or I am just feeling the effects of separation. No, I cannot feel a mate bond. If there was something that can be called a mate bond between us but it is highly unlikely.

I look at Dante almost a year old now. I look at him and all I see is a new hope. A new possibility of beginning things again, I teach at the school now, and I have moved out of Jeremiah's house and still on his territory and I help him with various pack things.

 Eldora is trying to be my personal therapist, Jeremiah was just trying to make things right. And even after all those time I still feel the pain, I still feel the lashes ripping through my skin. And I still feel those hands gripping me in places.

I looked at the courtyard in front of me. I saw Dante playing around with Jeremiah. Only if he was my mate, but I am glad I had him when I needed him. I need him, but all I can feel was being a burden over him. I feel bad because he does not know the entire truth about me.

Suddenly I saw Jeremiah stiffen. He looked at me and swiftly using his wolf speed picked me up and Dante and ran towards his house. He put me and Dante in his room. After he came up with Eldora and put her in the room too and locked us up.

"What happened?" I asked. "Rogues, probably," She shrugged. How can she be calm about this? They are rogues, they can kill anyone on sight. What was she thinking about? "I think I should go out there and help" I said . "No, it will only distract him. Look he cares about you, a lot ok, I mean I him his mate and sometimes I gets jealous when he cares for you that much. So right now he will do anything to keep you safe. Trust me boys are like that." She said softly. And that was what I am afraid about.

Everything was silent, then a piercing scream rang into the air. I without thinking about anything ran outside that door and surprisingly it did opened. I saw the rogues surrounding Jeremiah. I lost my cool and something happened, Something that I cannot explain. At that moment I just exploded.

And Minutes later the rogues were running away scorned or something. I looked at Jeremiah, he looked pretty bad, beat up. I shouted I don't know screamed at what, but I did because it was so much painful to see. Someone pulled me up and hugged me, I kicked and screamed refusing to be pulled away from Jeremiah that way. I was not his mate and I was in this much pain I cannot think what Eldora must be going through.

I was let into a room where I finally looked at myself. The person was not me. My white hairs are showing and I can see sliver streaks running through my hairs. I look radiant, too much radiant to look like a not human. And it got me thinking maybe I am not a human. Not the kind I want myself to be. This attack only proves it.

"Jeremiah is looking for you he is awake" I heard those words but I didn't looked , up. I stood up from my place and my legs took me out of my room down the stairs and towards the infirmary. I didn't knew what I was going to find in there. I walked inside cautiously and saw Jeremiah, badly broken and bruised. His brown eyes met mine and he smiled. That smile made me cry.

I could not stop myself as sobs broke out of my mouth and I started to cry hysterically. "I am so sorry Jeremiah" I said to him. "I am so, so sorry" I continued to sob. Someone picked me up and placed me on the bed. I looked up into those warm brown eyes. "Hey why are you crying Winny? I am in one piece still" I hugged him hard and sobs escaped my eyes. "I am sorry" I said again.

"What are you sorry for? You never knew you had powers. Or maybe some rogues would have been looking for you. You could have never known." They were looking for me? So it was my fault. Jeremiah could have died today. I moved away from him but he was fast and he caught my hand and pulled me back with him.

"Don't I know what you are thinking, You are not the reason why I was attacked. Don't even think about it." He said turning my face towards his. "You are my best friend; we have been more than that, for a long time. I still care for you. I always will. And Like I can do anything and everything for Eldora, I can do anything and everything for you too Winny, don't you ever forget that" that actually the cheesiest thing he said to me up to now.

"But still I don't know why the rogues wanted me? Am I someone special? I am just a girl who does not even able to defend herself. What do they need me for?" I asked.

"Alpha we got a note, it said hand over the witch or else suffer consequences" A guard told coming inside. "Witch? I don't know if I can call myself a witch but then again there are many strange things going all around us, stranger than it looks" I said looking at the guard who was looking at me accusingly. Jeremiah glared at him and he retreated quickly. I put my head in my hands. "People hate me"

"That I noticed, but don't worry we will protect you and Dante" Eldora said hugging me. "Maybe I should write to my mate, maybe he can protect me instead" Me and my big mouth. Jeremiah looks upset "No, he is no mate of yours, remember what he did? Remember those lash marks? You were almost dead when we bought you here my answer is no"

"Jer next time those rogues could kill you, and I don't want to be a reason of death of my best friend" I said getting up, maybe I can contact him same way I used to contact Jeremiah. "I hate to say it to you, but your mate is the real life jerk, and he does not care. If he did he would have at least tried to contact you once all this time. But he didn't" Eldora reasoned.

"I know, he didn't but at least I can do is try and reason with him. Maybe just maybe he will help, he is the crown prince after all, the rogue Prince." Eldora gasped. "He is the Prince?" She asked. I nodded. "He has the same eyes as the Rogue king. I can never ever forget those eyes, they were kind and caring but his son's it is totally opposite,"

"Cold and cruel?" A voice asked from behind me. I turned around and gasped. I cannot believe I am seeing him after all these times. He didn't seem to change. He walked gracefully towards me. "Seem like you always judge people early." He stood in front of me and his scent hit me with full force this time.

"Hello Little mate, I have sensed your distress and came to relieve you of it. How can I be of service?" He asked making me and Eldora startled.

Word Count: 1314 Words

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