Chapter 11

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I clutched my son in my hands. I am an awful mother. Whoever puts their infant in danger like this? I will not going to win best mom of the year. And funny thing is I didn't even named my child. "Don't worry little Angel, momma will take good care of you." 

My feet padded on soft grass, and very sharp stones on the floor. Spiny bushes tear down my cloths, scratching me to the point I cannot recognize it. I wanted to cry, or maybe just rest just for few minutes before running again. But I was not that lucky, to have such pleasure.

I heard howls of wolf in distance. I can feel he is closer to me. How can he be my mate? The most cruellest jerk is my mate? How is that even possible? Was he had known from before? But he turned eighteen today, he could not know can he? So then why he growled at people before? But what I heard in his room? He said he would have given me to his beta willingly. I shuddered at this thought. How could he do this to me? How could he just do this to me?

I ran faster in search of my safe heaven. I wanted to go home and raise my child. The howls sounded closer to me. He is an alpha and he loves the chase. And I am giving him just what he wants me to give. I located a cave behind the waterfall. Maybe it could mask my scent long enough for him to stop chasing me. I made my way towards waterfall but before I could actually enter it, Someone tackled me from behind.

I covered my child in my arm to protect him from harm. I felt a weight on my back when I was turned around forcefully. I saw Alpha Victor's form, a very naked form. His eyes were golden now. He nudged his face on my neck. I clutched my son closer to me. I want him to stay away from me. He looked the fear in my eyes and frowned.

 "Mate is afraid," he said. Then I realised why, it was his wolf in control of his body. He looked so different. Maybe his wolf was better than the man. Maybe he is not like Victor. "I am Ryker mate" He said, in his odd but calm voice. I think I like this wolf much. Much then the man.

"Please let me go" I pleaded. "mate should stay with us, mate should love us, mate is ours" He said possessively. But I am anything but a possession. I know how much possessive an alpha wolf can get. But right now I don't want to be a possession, nor an obsession. Nothing in particular. Nothing at all.

He picked me up, with my son still in my arms. My legs feel tired, my whole body hurts. I wanted to sleep but I know I could do anything but sleep here. I cannot sleep. I have to stay awake. Or else, the beast would have his way with me, without my knowledge. If he is going to force me into something, I might want to have a fighting chance on preventing it from happening.

He walked inside the big house, or his personal castle, and my personal dungeon. You got my point and walked straight to his room. All the celebration had ceased by this point. I looked at him, his eyes were no longer golden but they are grey. Plain silvery grey, and these are the eyes which mesmerise me the most. He looked at me and then looked ahead. He made me stand on cold stone because of which I winced. He took my child from me and placed him on something that looked like a crib.

He took me to the bathroom and stripped me naked. Fear engulfed me. He will not do what I think he will, will he? I don't think I can go from it all over again. He is my mate, if he is as he claims to be, then he will understand don't he? He will not going to touch me forcefully do he? No, I cannot go through it again. He cleaned my cuts and applied something over it. He need not to say I was pathetic. If I was a wolf I could have gotten away. I could have gotten away from here.

He pulled off a robe and secured it around my body. He picked me up and placed me over the bed. He then went to bathroom. He came up after some time, freshly showered. He was wearing a robe identical to mine. I saw worry lines his features. 

"You should have known better than to try to outrun an fully outgrown wolf, much alone an Alpha, what were you thinking? You could have gotten hurt. There are many dangerous animals in that forest some of them can injure you seriously" He scolded. I hardly doubt it that someone would be much dangerous than you Mr.

He pushed my head sideways so I can look into his eyes. His mesmerising eyes were studying my features. I cringed as he inched closer to me. "Last time I found you in your own blood, this time I found you like this in forest, scratched, tired and alone at Nature's mercy. When are you going to stop harming yourself?" He asked and I flinch. Was he for real? He said he will hand me over to that beast. He wanted to sell me off to that beast. He said I was no mate of his. Why is he showing compassion then?

I flinched and moved back from him. His hands dropped to his sides. "I do not have a mate, I can never have a mate. I am no wolf, I am a nobody, I am nothing but a disgrace. I am nothing but a slut" I said repeating in my mind. This is drilled into my mind since I am thirteen. I didn't shift into my wolf. I was a nobody, an outcast. 

A girl whose existence was only existed to someone's bed, a girl who drank and partied and sleeps with random strangers. Yes I did all that. All that till Jeremiah came into picture. He had changed me for better, he gave me a purpose in life. And I wonder why he cannot be my mate.

"Sleep you look tired I would look out for Dante tonight" he named my son? How dare he named my son. He is mine, my family. Not his. He cannot be his. He is mine, only mine, a piece of me that is completely mine and he is staking his claim over him? "I can look after my son, as I did always. 

"Dante is my son too. In case you didn't noticed, I kept him alive, fed him, made him sleep in night when you were comatose." He spat. "I can do this one more night, no big deal" He took him from his crib slowly rocking him and I felt myself losing the fight against him and against the darkness that is slowly creeping.

I woke up with a lots of shouting all around the palace. I saw the time, it was little after five in morning. Who could have been shouting this time? I saw Dante fast asleep in his crib. He is grown so much now. "Luna we required your assistance, alpha wants you by his side for discussion of important matters." A guard said. Since when did they call me Luna? Oh maybe His wolf Ryker have to do something with this.

I walked after getting dressed. I looked at the court and the beated, battered soldiers. What happened to them? Then I looked at the beta. He looked equally miserable. I was squealing internally. 

"They were prepared. I am telling you. They knew we are coming somehow and our attack was no longer a surprised one. Crescent Moon's Alpha was ready for us." Norman looked at me Icily and I stiffen. Alpha Victor growled lowly at him, his eyes turning golden. He pulled me by his side and made me sit on his lap.

"We have a traitor among us." Norman announced still looking defiantly at me. "Do not look at your Luna Norman." Victor growled. 

"Sorry Alpha, but our Luna may know of the traitor, she may have seen the traitor for she was getting along with her so well, perhaps she had withheld some information from all of us" He said in his still menacing tone. "And who is the traitor?" Alpha victor asked not pleased at Norman's tone.

"Oh you all know her too well. She is Dr. Grey, Or I shall call her Luna Grey, the one I had bought here when I conquered their pack few years back. She is after all mother to Alpha Jeremiah." I let out a low growl at this and everyone looked at me with curiosity.

Word Count: 1515 Words

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