Chapter 12

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I feel a strange kind of anger rise through me. He was the one who had attacked Jeremiah's pack. He is the one had killed his father. He is the one who is responsible for all of the deaths. "You are the reason why Jeremiah broken at such a young age" I heard a growl coming from my mate. It is a warning. But I certainly don't care now. 

"You took his mother away from that wonderful person." I put my foot down and walked towards him. "You are the reason, he was broken, forced to grow up before his age." I walked more closer to him. Almost chest to chest with him, "You awful excuse for a beta, you broke the only person I ever loved, only person who treated me right, you broke my best friend"

Everyone gasped, only later I realized I shouldn't have said all those things. I just blown my covers a big time. "There is it our traitor" Norman smirked. " I am a traitor, but I would do same thing again and again,"

 I looked at Victor whose eyes are black and soulless, he was breathing hard probably trying to control himself. "If it means to protect my family" I didn't shuttered, I felt proud. "Punishment for the pack traitor alpha" Norman demanded. "What do you demand Norman?" Alpha asked.

He looked and smirked at me. "Either fifty lashes, or she can be what she is a slut to all of my injured soldiers, pleasuring them with her mouth and other parts." He said smirking still. "I am not a slut by choice, however, I chose not be one for this pathetic excuse for a man. And I will gladly take the lashing over him, I am not letting him rape me again" 

I heard the fiercest growl and Norman was pinned to the wall by Victor. "You from this moment are being exiled from the pack, You have crossed your limits by touching my mate" Those venomous words had left Victor's mouth and Norman was looking him dumbfounded.

"You are choosing her over me?" Norman asked. "It is not about choosing, it is about being able to do the right thing. As an alpha, I should always do the right thing. You taught me that Norman." Victor told leaving his throat. 

"I give you ten minutes, after which the guards will chase you and hunt you down" Norman looked at me with venom in his eyes. "You will regret this soon My Luna" And he ran without turning his back.

 "Now about you Mon Amore, you are still a traitor to my pack, you shall not be unpunished, And I am personally execute the punishment. Bring me the silver threaded whip with wolfs bane, vervaine and gold." He ordered.

He looked at me and said "One of them got to hurt you, because if you sent a message from here without being noticed by anyone, then you are not a human. You cannot be, no ordinary human can ever sent a message without being noticed by anyone and we have tight security all over my pack" I laughed at this 

"Do you, Because, if a naïve girl can mess with your so called security, then you might, want to check where your pack member's loyalties lie." He growled at this as a guard gave him his whip. The leather contraption was looking wicked and glowing in pale light of torches. "Hold her and tie her up"

I was tied only in my undergarments, My hands and legs were secured on to the pillar. I looked straight ahead, nothing can break me anymore. Today I will die of fifty lashings then, I still will die for the good cause. 

I met eyes of Dr. Grey. She looked at me with teary eyes. I smiled with triumph on my face. I prevented the war and saved her son. I kept my promise to my best friend. "She is traitor to the Dark pack, she is spy of the enemy. She will be punished accordingly. As she is also my mate, and Pack's Luna, it is more important to punish her, let this be a lesson who dare try what she did."

He circled me and then pushed my chin up "If you want me to stop you have to just beg" Like I will ever beg to him. "Mon Amore, I don't want to hurt you, but this is necessary, even if I love you, I have to keep up the rules same for ever member of my pack, even for my mate" I hissed as the whip cracked over my back.

 "Count" He said in a dark voice. I am not breaking anymore. I reached my limitation. I will not break even if he beat me to death. "One" I said in a firm voice.

The leather cracked against my back again and again, I felt sweat trickle down my face and I bite my tongue to keep myself from screaming. I taste blood in my mouth as I keep on counting, "Fifteen"

 I met eyes of Dr. Grey, she was crying. I smiled at her sadly. If I die today, I will die happy and with my last breath I will signal Jeremiah, he will take good care of my son, the last memory of me. And when I sleep finally I will have another chance to wake up in some another place, a place where I will be loved.

"Twenty" I counted, almost breathless now. Fifty lashing is even very much for a werewolf if laced with wolfs bane and silver, they don't heal from silver. And I am a human you can think what those lashes will do to me. 

"Stop please" No that was not me. It didn't come from my mouth. I will never beg for him to stop. No, he will never have the satisfaction of that. Never, ever. "It is enough for her, she is not a wolf, she is a mere human" Dr. grey said. I shook her head in no. 

"Then she should beg for it, I will not show any mercy, even if she is my mate" Another lash cracked against my stomach, another over my thigh, another on my leg, another on my back.

"twenty five" I smiled with triumph. He cannot break me. Even, when my whole body feels as if it is on fire, I am not going to back down from it. Everyone was stunned at my endurance. I heard whispers around the pack members.

 They were distant, but still I can catch few words like strong, perfect, Luna, mate, harsh. All of those and more, much more. "Thirty" He stopped all of a sudden. The burning increased all over my body, it is getting harder and harder to breathe.

He pulled my chin up and I looked with defiance in my eyes. "Submit" He growled, his eyes turning golden. "Why did you stopped? I was j...just warming up" I said and spat blood over his face.

 He cleaned his face with his hand and pressed a mark on my stomach. His finger dug deep and blood flowed down my body. I squirmed but didn't submitted. He began again. Same pattern repeated.

"Forty nine"


He pulled back and then smiled. "She is a true Luna of Dark pack" he is a bipolar. "She is worthy of being my mate." He told guards to unchain me. As soon as I was unchained I walked, no I limped as far away from him as possible. I looked at my stomach blood seeping from the lashes I have been graciously taken so far. I turned around and covered my bloody body from his gaze.

 "I should have done it earlier Prince Victor Donovan," He growled in warning. But the pain is too much to bear.

"I might be worthy of you, but you will never be worthy of me, YOU. ARE. NOT. MY. MATE, mates don't hurt each other, mates love each other, mates don't beat each other, YOU. ARE. A. MONSTER. You are what they say about you, And I didn't broke down and submitted be...because I am worthy, but because there is nothing left to be broken in me. As for now..."

I paused seeing his eyes turning golden... His wolf surfaced and he tried to touch me again, I moved almost falling down twice, "Don't do this..." he pleaded, or rather his wolf pleaded. 

"you are right Victor, one of them had to hurt me, too bad it was not the whip itself it was the man behind the whip" I mumbled. "Don't do this mate, I need you." His voice was sorrowful. "I have to I am sorry Ryker"

"I REJECT ALPHA VICTOR DONOVAN, AS MY MATE AND MY ALPHA,MAY HE HAVE A HAPPY LIFE AHEAD" I said it with my final breath and I heard a painful growl before everything turned black.

Word Count: 1498 Words

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