Chapter 10

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Birthday's are such a wonderful event, but for me it always bought back the awful memories. I always avoid birthdays like plague. But I cannot avoid it now, can I? No I cannot. Because it is Mr. high and mighty Prince's birthday, I am still a slave girl, his slave. But tonight I am serving the guest on his demand while he sat on his high chair ordering us around. Yes, wonderful indeed.

I looked into his eyes flickering between black and grey. He was hungry for something and I do not want myself to be on the menu. No I am fine where I am I am fine here standing right where am I. I pulled my robe close. His eyes scanning the whole room and then it landed on me. His lips curled into smirk.

I shuddered as his gaze scanned my almost naked body. I was his slave his servant. He had saved me and he had saved my baby. I was all grateful to him for that. He rose his glass and take a long sip of his wine. He leaned on his throne as his crown tilted side ways.

"More" he ordered. I was holding the pitcher in my hand it was my turn to serve him. No I am not going to. I am not going to do it. I felt a soldier slap on my butt. A low growl escaped his throat in warning. I was not to be touched by any other man. I was his as he said on the first day of arrival. Yet he let his beta touch me. Ironic.

The guard bowed down and tilted his neck in submission. I walked as fast as I could on my heels and poured wine in his glass. I accidently touched him. He looked at me and smirked. "What do we got here. Aren't you a pretty little thing Mon Amore?" He pulled me into his lap and whispered in my ear "So you are supposed to be my mate aren't you Mon Amore well I am going to have fun breaking you apart little by little"

He kissed my jaw and threw me at his feet. He emptied his glass over my head. "There is where you belong at my feet Slave." Everyone laughed. I didn't cried. No I will not going to cry this is far much better than where I come from.

"Pick up that slave and fill it to brim tonight I am going to celebrate. Bring me the girls" He commanded as I picked up the glass and fill it to brim. "You disgust me" I wanted to say. But I learned it a long time ago men doesn't liked to be put in their place.

I was through hell and back and I never ever thought about hearts and flowers. I never ever thought about mates. No that word does not exists for me, It is just a fairy tale my mother used to tell me. It is a word that only bring the painful ache in my heart.

And when he said it as a vile word I made it sure not to acknowledge it in any way. It is all but a vile word and it have no meaning for me. It will never have a meaning for me ever again.

I picked up the chalice and filled it will dark red liquid sometimes I think it blood than it is wine. He looked at me and then a low growl erupted his throat. He stood up and said "Stop the music" I was terrified of what he will do to me. No I don't want to be in his presence when he is like this. He is not in his senses.

Everyone had halted and decided to look what is ailing their prince. Yes he is a Prince to werewolf kingdom. The heir to the throne of Rogue king, he to be sit on the black marble throne next to the High King Xander, which have white Marble Throne.

"Get out" He barked at the people around his dark throne. Yes it is dark literally surrounded by dark mist. A thing I still have to decipher how is he doing that. "NOW" his tone almost made me quiver. His dark eyes had turned darker almost black without any pupils. He is angry.

Every one walked out of the place. I too tried to scoot away from the mad man. Key word tried to scoot away but he was all but a mad man. He was just seventeen and he is such a nuisance. "You where are you think you are going Mon Amore?" he asked.

I was trembling hearing his voice no he is one sinister man. I do not wish to be in presence of this sinister man. He held me by my hairs and dragged me to his throne. He picked me up and dropped me in his throne. Then he placed both his arms on the arm rest.

A wicked glint lined his features. "You know I never liked whiny girls. My sister was one and I tried to protect her like a good brother should I even punched the guy who said my sister was a slut, And see where that have taken me. See? DID YOU SEE IT?" he shouted.

"Please let me go" I pleaded. "No no Mon Amour not tonight. My beast still need to satisfy himself and after all nothing can ever satisfy my beast like you can." He said. "Are you ready little mate because I am giving you a head start if I caught you..." He paused. Then looked at me and started to count...




I thought nothing but ran out as fast as I can. No, no, no where should I go. I need to get out of this place. But first I need to see my child. My child is in the pack house with Dr. Grey. Yes, I should go there. I should. My feet padded on the cold stone floor. I exited the main hall and towards the exit of the big house. I ran straight for the pack house in the distance I heard a voice calling...




No, he cannot have me. I have to be faster, please be faster, Be faster. I urged myself to run straight into the pack house and locate Dr. Grey. I saw her on the upper floor. I took my son from her and mumbled a brief thank you. I ran out without looking back. Straight into the forest, I have to cross the pack boundary and I can leave. I have to leave this place and hide.



No, no, no, just a little more time. Just a little more, I must find the cave entrance, I must find it, it is my only way out right now, but where is it? I cannot see very much clearly through the darkness. Only if I was a wolf, only if I have that kind of endurance, No I mustn't think negatively. I have to think positive. I have to think positive.



Ready or not little mate, here I come...

No, I thought as pick off a random direction and ran off towards it.

Word Count: 1222 Words

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