Chapter 8

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I woke up in the white bed again. Infirmary, so I am not dead yet. What a shame, I could have said goodbye to this cruel world after all. But I think I have to suffer a lot now. I groaned every single muscle of my body hurt.

 I tried to get up but someone pushed me back on bed. "Now don't get up just yet, you have suffered a little too much blood loss. And being a human, loosing that much blood can cause you too many problem. One of which is extreme fatigue." Dr. grey informed.

"H..How long?," I asked as Dr. grey helped me with water. "Slow sips, you have been out for a week now. What have you landed yourself into?" She asked. I remembered what I have ran into. I remembered every single thing that happened to me. And Why I wanted to die so much. I chocked on my sob again. I felt tears flowing down my cheeks. 

"There, there dear let it out. Let it all out." She said softly. "Alpha found you, he bought you here, he was frantic, well he should know that you are awake" She said probably mind linking Alpha.

"He wants you in his chambers, I would help you in the wheel chair" She said pulling a wheel chair for me. She helped me in it. My legs almost gave away. If it is not for Dr. Grey's help I could have just fall down, and injured myself further. 

"Come on I will take you to him." She wheeled me out of the infirmary and towards the door she taken me first day we met. She knocked on the door same manner and I heard a small come in. we entered the leaving room and found no one there. She left me there and said she had to attend some work, but I know better she don't wanted to see Alpha.

I heard muffle voices coming from inside his room. I tried to listen. It was definitely Alpha's voice. "You could have told me" He said in frustrating voice. "Like you would let me do it" Another voice said. That one I know, and it sent chills down my spine. "I would have, aren't I always. You are far much important to me. You are my beta, Norman, you are my mentor too. And I always let you do it with anyone you like. She is not so different" So he knows. He knows about it. "I see how you look at her, as if she is your mate." I heard a growl.

"She is not my mate Norman. Don't be ridiculous, she is my slave, plain slave. She is nothing more. You could have just asked me and I would personally deliver her to you. You know you always are the most important person in my life, and not even a concubine can change it. I always give them to you don't i?" Alpha asked. 

"Yes you do but I wanted to taste her first, her firey attitude that ticked me off. I wanted to break her, and I did a pretty good job, you should have seen her face, she looked utterly broken, utterly beautiful. When I started to squeeze life out of her pup," I heard another growl. "What I said about harming my pup?" he asked angrily.

"Pardon me Alpha, I didn't knew he was yours" He stayed silent. "Pardon me, I shall never ever harm the pup again" the man pleaded. "good, you should know that even if I like you Norman, I am still your Alpha. I make the rules and you all follow them. Now shall we expect another pups from the girls?" He asked. 

"Yes two of them gave birth to male offspring." Norman said proudly and I snickered. They are not men, they are monsters. True monsters in human skin, " You should be a proud father Norman, You bred soldiers, a new addition to the army. You should get some reward for it, a party perhaps" Alpha suggested.

I backed off thinking to run away while they are discussing party plans. But I am extremely weak. "I want just her again. I like to see her broken" The beta laughed in a sinister voice. "So you should, you would get it, but we need a celebration too. A night full of dancers, wine and naked women, like the old times" Alpha said.

 "She will be a part of it isn't she?" Alpha growled. "You will get her once she is well enough to handle you, now leave I want to be alone with my woman, she must have been here now." I heard Alpha's voice say.

"And about the battle plans, are we still attacking Crescent moon next? I heard the alpha female is a piece of art, and she will make a very good addition to my harem, you can have a taste if you like my Alpha." I heard him laugh. How could he laugh to such idea even. That girl have a mate, and he is my friend. My Jeremiah. Even if it means that I come under the radar of this cruel alpha and its cruel pack, I would do anything to protect my friend. I would do anything to protect him.

Eldora will never go through, what I have. I will not allow it. I have to take my child and run. I have to see that my friend and his pack remain unharmed. They will remain unharmed. "We will talk about it later, I think we have a guest" I heard Alpha say. 

I was glad my wheel chair was fast as I escaped to a corner of the room where book self was and picked up a random book. I looked at the title, It was one of my favorite Cassandra claire's city of bones. I know this by heart so I picked up a random page and pretended to read it.

"What are you doing?" I almost jumped at the voice. "R...reading" I shuttered. "Hmmm.... Reading what?" Norman asked. I shrank back in my chair and he smiled. He smiled at my fear. I think he really like to see me broken. "Well your beta asked you a question pet, what are you reading?" Alpha asked. "C...City o...of B...Bones sir" I shuttered badly. "Good choice Pet tell me what is going on in book now? On that particular page?" He asked. I saw the page number and remembered.

"T...they are trying to get Clarrisa's memory back, In...In silent city, with Silent brothers and Jace lightwood" I replied. Alpha smiled at me. "Either you are lying, and you are too intelligent to remember all the book, or you are actually telling the truth about reading the book. So, until I figure out which is which, you are safe Pet" He said ruffling my hairs. He picked me up effortlessly and gave a last look to Norman. Then he walked into his room and placed me on his bed.

He stood aside. "Now as you still recovering you will be with me twenty four seven, you may not leave my sight. You may not eat or drink other than what I give you, you may not talk to any other person other than me and Dr. grey, And never, ever leave this room un-escorted. Last time I left you to nurse the little one and you ended up half dead." He spat. 

Right, like you don't know why I ended up half dead. Like you are not breeding an entire race of indestructible soldiers and planning to attack on my friend's pack. Speaking of which, I need to go and warn him as soon as I can, before Alpha here has a chance of a sneak attack.

"I was violated" I said. "Like you don't like being violated darling you are a whore, Whore don't get violated. They sleep with people it is their choice of life." His voice hurt me to an extent I could not able to breathe. 

"I know you have slept with alpha of Crescent moon pack, I know he was your lover, and I know you heard about our little talk. Don't you think even for a slightest moment that I will let you go and inform them. You will killed before you step the foot out of my territory Pet. You do not ruin my plans of conquering the kingdom and make an empire of mine"

"Can I at least go for a walk in the territory? Dr. Grey suggested some warmth would be good for my skin" I said. "Only if someone accompany you" He said. "I will ask Dr. Grey." I said. He nodded. "I am watching you pet so you better behave for your master" He snapped the collar on my neck again. And kissed my forehead. 

Word Count: 1485 Words

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