Chapter 7

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He lead me through the spiral staircase one which I had not noticed before in his living room. The marble felt cold beneath my feet. I only wish to get some warmth. He didn't bothered to put another shirt over his body. He walked to the second floor of his quarters and same themes decorated this floor also. In short, it was cold and lifeless. I looked at the bare walls, it does not show any signs of life. It is so just, like him. I don't know how someone can live in this place.

He opened a door on the left side and I came inside in a nursery. He switched on the lights and I saw a little baby in a crib. He was fast asleep. "He was premature, so doctors were not sure if he can survive. But..." he paused softly brushing his hand through curly mop of red hairs of my son and said "He is quite a fighter. He does not wanted to leave his mother alone. He is safe now. He is out of Danger"

"Is that why I was not allowed to see my son?" I asked, "Yes, losing a child can be traumatic" He said softly, his eyes turning grey again. He looks like he had gone through it before, seeing a person loosing the child. "Do you want to name him?" He asked. I looked at the chubby cheeks of my son, he is just sweet bundle of joy. That moment I suddenly realised something. I do not need anyone, not even my mate. I just need my child and I can live happily ever after.

I can raise him to be a man of his words, never to judge someone without thinking about their situation, never to lay hand on a child or woman, and to love his mate like a queen. But then again, he can be mateless like me. Or can be heart broken by her rejection. 

Million scenarios flashed in front of my eyes as I unconsciously cuddled my child against me. Then I realized, I was experiencing my own fears through him. He begins to cry. I softly rocked him and he gurgled. "he might be hungry. Nurses fed him by now, but since you are here, you might want to nurse him"

His voice broke my trance. I looked at his grey eyes. He was looking at me expectantly. "ummm... Sir if you please turn around and let me feed my baby in peace." I said. "Come to my chambers after you are done here" he kissed my baby on forehead and walked out. 

For a tyrant he sure is a gentleman. I put my baby in my lap and sat down on a rocking chair. My baby is all I left for a family. Sure my mother will freak out if she knew what I have done. For her it is not acceptable to have a child without your mate. But no one can fight the situation. I felt my eyes droop and I gave in to much needed sleep.

I was jolted awake from my sleep as someone took my baby from me. I almost clawed the person. Not that I have claws or something. But my nails might have hurt because I heard a series of a curses afterwards. I looked before me and he was the man from before. I stiffen as his almost black eyes scanned shamelessly on my body.

 I adjusted my dress and tied it securely again. I reached for my baby. He sniffed at him and laughed. "So, you have been a beta's whore. Shame, this could have been mine. Oh I would even overlooked your whore ways." I frozen at his tone. He sounded just like him. Right now he looked like him.

"Give my baby back." I said quivering in fear. "Who? this little twat?" He held him by his neck. Almost chocking him. He started to turn blue. No my baby. Not my baby. "Please" I cried. "You want this twat back? You got to work for that Slut" I cried more trying to hold on to my baby. He keeps bouncing my crying baby from one hand to another like some freaking ball. "stop" I cried more. I wanted to fight back but, I was frozen in my place with fear. "Only when, you open your legs for me slut."

"I am not a Slut" I shouted. "Oh you think I don't know anything about you Slut? I don't know you were a whore that slept with people for money? I don't know that you fucked Crescent moon's Alpha, or..." He paused. Then looked at me, he placed my baby in crib. I relaxed only for a second, then I saw how he is corned me. I have no place to run. I have nowhere to hide. 

"You have been sleeping with the Beta whose bastard child is sleeping in that crib. You are a whore, and Alpha too realises it. You are a play toy, just like many others. Why do you think he keeps a Harem? He gets bore. He will get bore of you too eventually. On the other hand I..." He paused and touched my cheek.

I flinched at his touch. He is too much like him. He is too much like the person I am running from. "Oh no Darling, you don't flinch from me. You like my touch, you like my body over you." With each syllable he utters, I grow more frightened. I grow wearier. His hand opened the robe. And pushed my dress off my shoulder, No I don't want to. I don't want to be like this with him.

I felt wet tears land over my chin and dropping down on my flesh. "Shhh... Darling, now don't cry. Your body is mean to pleasure men. You are doing what you meant do. You are pleasuring someone superior to you... You should be happy to serve us. You should be satisfied that you are keeping up the good work." I flinch again as another sob broke my mouth.

 "Be quiet" he hissed pulling my legs apart. It only made me cry harder. He slapped me hard, I fell down. I tasted blood in my mouth. He smiled at my pain. "Only if you are not favourite of Alpha I could have enjoyed your cries. But don't worry Darling that day will also come. The day when you will cry and I will laugh on them. Ahhh, the sweet pleasure."

He kissed my forcefully, He kept pinning me to the floor. I tried to pry him off me. But he kept digging his fingers in my skin. He sliced my inner thigh making me cry harder. "P...Please" I beg. "You don't know how beautiful you look, you look like a goddess in front of my eyes. Looking like this helpless, on my mercy." His fingers pried my private parts. I tried to put his arms off my body. "Not today darling." His tone still mocking, still sinister.

I lay there defeated as he tore into me. He hit me harder every time he thrust into me. I almost tore my skin. I was remain there broken and bloodied, He pressed my breasts harshly, Digging his claws into my soft flesh. I look at the blood around me. I was in so much pain that I felt numb. Women are pleasure object, Women have no independent existence of their own. Women are less superior then men.

He stood up and pulled his pants up. He put something down. I didn't look at it. "A little reward for being such a good pet to me," He kissed my mouth. I didn't even squeal. I was broken, much more than before and now I realised, I actually never ever had anyone before and now I have no one again. My baby kept on crying but I don't even have enough strength to see him, See if he is alright. I felt myself getting weaker. I felt myself fading into nothingness. The wails of my son are like a distant cry now.

I smiled as my whole body started to feel numb. I am finally going to be free of this world. All I wanted to leave this cold place and embrace the warmth. The warmth that death can give me, another chance to start a new life, have a normal life. 

Have love, have a family I always wished for, have someone to rely on. Oh it would be sweet. It would be so sweet. I felt my vision blur and a distance voice echoed in my ears. I looked at a figure with my blurry eyes. He is saying something that I could not quite catch.

I felt warmth enveloping me and someone pulling me to their arms. I embraced the last touch of warmth. And an intoxicating smell of musk, burnt wood, and sea. It is such a good smell. I can take my final breath in peace. I am happy now. I am so happy now. I can finally die in peace.

Word Count: 1528 Words

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