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Row after row of neatly lined up books with their spines facing outward, colour coded with dots, and arranged in alphabetical order. Chairs and tables were for laying their quiet study. The methodical and disciplined environment was enough hushed that, even a harsh breath could be heard in the room. Every gaze was fixed on the books laying on the table next to them but there were two pairs of eyes which were focusing on a face instead of their books.

An innocent face which had a small mole on the corner of her upper lips.

She was no one else but Muskan, her beautiful face was enough to make Anzala and Arham crazy for her.

The peaceful environment was disturbed by a small whisper.

"Maizah look at both of them!" One of her friends talked about Arham and Anzala.

"What is cooking in their heads?" The girl asked and Maizah pressed her lips together to stop her giggle

" Not in heads but in in their chests." Maizah Giggles slowly friend also noted with the giggle

" I can understand about Anzala, it's normal for him but Arham! It's shocking for me. " Maizah said and her friend nodded. After a long time they all left the library as it was now their lecture time.

"Where did you lose Anzu?" Maizah whispered as they were moving towards the class and he suddenly shook his head while narrowing his eyes.

" What are you asking about? " he enquired confusingly as he hadn't idea that his clever cousin noticed him gazing Muskan.

"Don't pretend innocent, you were lost in watching Muskan. " Maizah rolled her eyes

" Why would I pretend innocent? Neither I am innocent nor I want to prove myself as one. I like Muskan so I was watching her. " Anzala said while raising his eyebrow

" What's new in this? you like every next girl! sometimes I can't understand how can someone be attract towards every next girl?" Maizah mocked but Anzala shook his head

"I'm serious about Muskan, it's true I like every next girl but she is the best among all of them." Anzala said seriously and she was shocked to know that Anzala was truly saying everything with sincerity

"Anzala are you serious?"

''Mazi is this a matter of prank?"


"Gul where is my tea?" Aasif asked loudly and Gul Bano took longer steps. From kitchen to her bedroom holding a cup of tea in her hands.

Aasif was ill since last night so he was resting in home instead of going on his work

"Take this tea then medicine too. " Gul said and placed a few pills on the side table of bed before stepping back towards the exit of room


"Hmm." She turned towards her husband

"Maizah hasn't come back yet?" Aasif asked and Gul shook her head.

"Aasif, think of controlling her a bit, you are spoiling her. Neither you stop her from doing anything nor you let me scold her." Gul complained and Aasif narrowed his eyes.

"She is not doing anything wrong, she is just a fun loving girl, who loves to do pranks." Aasif said in the defence of his daughter

"What will people say about her? She is not a small girl now. " Gul shared and Aasif smiled

"Gul my daughter is my pride, her smile gives me happiness and her sad face gives me pain. I don't want to snatch her playful nature just because of what people will think about her. She is happy, this is my main happiness." Aasif said while lifting the cup of tea.

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