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While going to Goa, Arham watched Maizah and Anzala sleeping, they both were looking nice together. At that time an idea strike in Anham's head.

'' If Muskan get to know that Anzala and Maizah both are suitable for each other and they both also like each other then she would back off from Anzala's life and understand my love for her.'' Arham said to himself and a smile creeped to his lip with the thoughts of Muskan.

He drew out his mobile and captured the scene in his phone. Not only that pic but Arham captured almost every moment of Anzala and Maizah in pics. He sended all the pics to Muskan, when he was in bus, while returning back from Goa.

That was 11pm and Muskan was trying to sleep but a handsome face was stopping her to sleep so she was busy in thinking about him.

She closed her eyes, at the same time her mobile beeped, but she ignored, again that beeped she ignored it again but then it beeped regularly as of their was a flood of messages in her mobile.

Holding a frustrated but surprised expression, she picked the mobile and found 67 pics sended by Arham

'' I missed you on this trip... I hope you will be together in my next trip, we all enjoyed a lot but you weren't with us so this is a token of memories from me... I have captured almost every special moment of this trip. See you soon in college, take care.''

That was Arham's message, which gave her a little smile on her lips but sad one.

She open the pics, she smiled after looking at some pics at the same time she felt hurt and sad after looking some pics but in the end she again smiled. Arham had send pics not only related to Maizah and Anzala but all the other friends too.

'' I shouldn't be jealous of these people. I think Maizah and Anzala really love each other, but I am not that lucky to gain my love.'' Muskan said to herself and smiled sadly.

" It's so heartbreaking. " She mumbled and closed her eyes, but then open her eyes and again looked at the pics. She smiled and upload all the pics as her story of Instagram and WhatsApp with caption.. #missedalltheenjoyment 😟

Unwillingly both Muskan and Arham created a great mess for Maizah and Anzala.

On the other hand Rumi was sitting in her room surfing in Instagram when she saw the pics on story of Muskan, she was angry with Anzala and Maizah but decided not to tell anything to elders because Rumi knew what would elders do with both of them. But Momina also had Muskan's number which she took if she need to contact Maizah and Anzala in college.

Momina opened the WhatsApp and was shocked. 

"Rashiddd!"She said in whisper and Rashid shifted his gaze towards his wife who was looking shocked.

"Hmm.. What happened?" Rashid asked and Momina showed her mobile to Rashid, his eyes become wide and he closed his eyes while holding his forehead.

"Where are you going?" Rashid asked when Momina moved toward the door.

"Let me show this to Aasif he is responsible for all these things, neither he would give this much freedom to his daughter nor anything like this would happened." Momina said angrily.

"Gul was correct, she was stopping Aasif to give freedom to Maizah but he never listened." Momina said very loudly and within some ten minutes while family was gathered in the hall.

Another Match Made in Heaven ✔️ (Complete) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang