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Kuchh paane ke liye kuch khona padta hai!

(No pain, no gain!)

But why...

Only some lucky people get everything in their life. Unfortunately Maizah and Anzala weren't from those lucky people. When they both were ready to accept their marriage with their happiness, Gul Bano wasn't agree. Aasif and Rashid talked to their father about the decision of their children and Abdul Gafoor Rizwi agreed, he was also happy that Maizah and Anzala were accepting that marriage.

Aasif ignored Gul's anger they both weren't talking to each other since two days. In Rumi's reception they both didn't even looked at each other, which was giving a guilty feeling to Maizah and Anzala.

"Anzu I never wanted anything like this" coming towards dinning table Maizah said when watch Gul serving breakfast to Aasif but they both weren't talking to each other unlike ever. Anzala just nodded with guilt and they took their usual seat. Just opposite to each other.

"Dada abbu, Aasif uncle I'm going back at night" Dayim informed and both Anzala and Maizah felt relaxed.

"Hmm... Check your tickets and pack your stuff, it shouldn't be like this you forget some papers or files." Aasif said and Anzala smirked with happiness, but Dayim noticed him

"And inform us when you reach to your home" Abdul Gafoor said and Dayim nodded with a respectful smile.

"Dayim stay for some more days, you are coming here after many years." Gul Bano said lovingly to her nephew. All the other guests were already gone but Dayim had to final a deal in Lucknow so he was staying in Rizwi Mantion even after three days of Rumi's reception.

"Phuppi saheba its already many days I'm here, now I'm missing my home" Dayim said with a smile and a Anzala again smirk.

"Ammi I'm going college" Anzala said and made himself stand silently.

"Anzu wait for me" Maizah said and Anzala looked at his wrist watch.

"Mazi yaar come fast I have to revise a topic which I will revise in library" Anzala informed and she started filling her mouth with big bites of bread, but suddenly choked on that.


"Mazii.. Care fully yaar" Anzala said

"Anzala if you are getting late then you can go I'll drop Maizah to college" Dayim said while giving a glass of water to Maizah which she held and drink. Anzala and Aasif's blood got a boil but Gul smile and nodded

"Yeah it will be better, Anzala you go to college, Dayim will drop Maizah" Anzala huffed and looked at Maizah who was looking pale but Dayim was smirking looking at Anzala. Dayim raised his one brow and Anzala was just controlling himself.

"Phuppi saheba I'm thinking to stay some More days here, actually I'll go after finalising another deal." Dayim said with a smile and Abdul Gafoor smiled.

"Why not beta, it's your own home live here as long as you want" Abdul Gafoor said lovingly and Anzala was really frustrated by then.

"After witnessing the love of you people I don't want to go back." Dayim said and Anzala glare him.

"Specially Anzala... Sometimes I feel like I get a younger brother" Dayim smirked while looking at Anzala's angry red face

"Maizah are you coming or not?" Anzala asked with full of anger and she stood up with a jolt and nodded

"Anzala you go bro, I'm here to drop Maizah, am I right phuppi Saheba?" Dayim said to Anzala and asked the last part to Gul Bano who happily nodded her head in agreement.

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