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Slamming the door after him he locked that securely.

"Get out of my room, how dare you to come here? It's not your room but mine." Maizah burst out, the volcano of her anger was on the edge of blasting. She was angry so instead of Anzala's room she was sitting in her old room, but he came there too.

"I'm your husband, so I'll go wherever my wife will go" Anzala shrugs dramatically before sitting beside her

"That was just a joke idiot, I was chatting with Arham not with Mansha" He revealed the truth, just to got a share gaze from her

"I don't care if it was Mansha or Anaya or anyone else, just go ahead" She replied in ignoring way. Anzala smiled on her jealousy.

"See, I have something for you" passing a chocolate he raised his brow and she glare him but took the chocolate from is hand.

"Still offended?" pinching her cheek he asked and she glare him one more time, he rolled his eyes but drew out another chocolate from his pocket and pass that to her

"Why would I be offended with you? Who are you?" Maizah asked in rude tone but she wasn't offended with chocolate so rightly grabbed that. Anzala was amazed at her wife behavior.

For good ten minutes there was silence in between them as Maizah was busy in having chocolate, and Anzala was remembering his father's advice which he gave after knowing about the matter between Anzala and Maizah

"Stop these type of pranks, a wife can't tolerate if her husband think about someone else, in the same way a husband can't tolerate his wife giving priority to any other man"

"Maizah" This time Anzala's voice was serious but she ignored and rolled his eyes.

"Go back to your room" Saying that she made herself stand towards the  cupboard to drew out the gifts given by Dayim

"Tonight we will sleep here because my bed is completely drenched" Anzala replied but Maizah ignored and drew out boxes from her cupboard.

"Fine, sleep on floor I don't have any problem, but excuse me for now, I have to open the gifts given by a very important person" Saying that with a fake pulled smile Maizah sat down on bed making Anzala's blood boil with anger

"Maizah that was just a prank yaar, he was Arham, we were discussing about business" Maizah listen the same and smirked in her thoughts.  But Maizah smirked in her thoughts as she could feel Anzala's jealousy after seeing Maizah with Dayim's gifts. Anzala a also knew his wife was making him jealous in that way, and this fact was making him angry.

"Mazi" He utter but Maizah ignored while opening the gift box that Dayim gave her after Rumi's marriage.

And her eyes became wide when she noticed the gift inside that box.

"What!" she exclaimed after drawing out a photo frame from the box and held her forehead, Anzala was also surprised after watching that type of reaction from Maizah. Anzala grabbed the photo frame from her hand and "Mazi.." he only managed to utter that with wide eyes and she lift her gaze towards him.

"Is this the same gift he gave you when he was making me jealous?" Anzala asked and Maizah nodded.

"Anzala I'm confuse, I don't know what is this and why his behaviour was like that!" Maizah and Anzala both were highly confused.

Anzala and Maizah both were shocked to saw the photo frame gifted by Dayim because that photo frame was holding a pic Colage of Anzala and Maizah. And in the center of all the pics only the words were written that were 'The Cute Couple'

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