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''Go to hell'' he mumbled and turned his bike to go back to college, Maizah turned to see him and chuckled dryly.

'This is called show off, if he really cared about me, he would never let me go like this. No one cares about me. I also hate Naail, if he wanted to marry Rumi aapi then why was chatting with me and showing that he is my friend and interested in me. But I also don't need anyone for myself.' Maizah said to herself while walking towards the bus stop and soon she reached there. Waiting for the bus she was standing silently feeling the headache becoming intolerable. At the same time the bus arrived and she took steps towards the bus but stopped by a horn sound.

"Come" he was Anzala on his bike.

"Anzala please" she said angrily as well as in defeated tone before stepping towards the bus but he grabbed her arm.

"Leave me... " She pulled her arm from his grip. 

"What happened Mazi? Will you tell me what is the reason behind our dispute?" Anzala asked with anger and Maizah glared him

" Anzala leave my way... I've already told you, that we have to stay away from each other" She said angrily but Anzala held her hand and pulled her lightly.

"Don't go with bus, you will feel dizziness again" Anzala said and she silently looking at him

'He really cared about me' her heart said and she couldn't help herself to agree with that fact.

"Come chudail (witch)" saying that he blinked to assure her and she slowly nodded, before mounting on the bike next to him.

'No matter how much I try to ignore him but he never leaves me... Why he is so stupid and stubborn?' Maizah asked to herself while holding his shoulder

'Because he cares for you' Her subconscious said again and she agreed again.

'If There would be another girl in her place I surely would ignore after witnessing this many tantrums but why can't I ignore her? I ignored my self respect but why can't I leave her in trouble?' Anzala asked himself while riding the bike at a not so high speed.

' She is frustrated that's why pouring out her anger on me, but she is my chudail (witch) no matter how much anger she pour out on me, I can't leave her in problem' Anzala's subconscious said and he smiled

On the other hand, Muskan and Arham were sitting in the canteen of their college...

"Muskan, have you noticed how much Anzala loves Maizah? She is completely ignoring him but still he is caring about her" Arham state and Muskan smiled sadly.

"Maizah is lucky" She said slowly and half heartedly

"Arham, those people are very lucky to get someone who loves them. Anzala loves Maizah. For now Maizah is not recognising his love but soon she will realise that Anzala only loves her no one else." Muskan said with  a smile and Arham nodded.

"Muskan, who is the person whom you love?" Arham asked while placing the glass of juice in front of her.

"No one.. I told na.. I was talking about the book'' Muskan tried to avoid the question but Arham smiled.

"I know you weren't talking about the book, I know you to this extent that you never read depressing articles and books" Arham said and Muskan was amazed to know how well he knew her "You can tell me who is he maybe I'll help you" Arham said with the biggest smile he could show but only he knew how difficult those words were for him

" Will you really help me in gaining my love? But why?" Muskan asked and he nodded, but his heart was clenching with pain.

"Your happiness is most important for me!" Arham state the condition of his heart and Muskan was shocked to listen that, but before she could say something in reply

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