[9] Positive

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~*~*~*~*~*~*~Cory's POV~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Chapter Nine









"Hey kiddo," dad said to me as I arrived at his door step.

            Without even looking at him, I walked straight past him and into the house, dropping my bags on the floor.

            "He's still not happy with you," I heard mum said to dad.

            Dad sighed.  "I feel crap for doing that.  And avoiding you all for so long... Now I've broken my family apart."

            "It'll be okay, Darren.  Give him some time.  Maybe something from school will help you two connect.  Just try to bond."

            "Yeah... See you in two weeks."

            Glancing over my shoulder I saw my parents share a hug and then my mum got in the car and drove off.

            Walking into the spare room I started to unpack my bags.

            "Cory, I really am sorry," dad said from the door way.

            "Your apathy towards the family over the years is really encouraging dad," I replied sarcastically.

            "Cory!  You know complicated words like apathy!  I'm proud."

            My hands stopped and I dropped the shirt back into the bag.  "I know a lot of words dad.  I'm eighteen this year.  You left nine years ago.  Didn't want a thing to do with us for seven years.  And now you have the nerve to try and push your way back into our family?!" I spat.  It took everything I could to keep the tears from coming out.


"Don't Cory me dad.  You didn't want anything to do with us.  We grew up without you... And now you just want to join our family again?" I turned around and looked into my father's eyes.  "Why?" I asked him in a whisper.  "Why now?  After all this time... why do you suddenly care?"   

He ran a hand through his jet black hair and slouched back against the wall, sliding down till he sat on the ground.  "Can you believe it took me to be ditched five times to realise how much better I had it before?"

I continued to stare at him, not answering his question.

"After your mum and I divorced I moved out here, only for a week later the girl I left your mother for left me.  I tried moving on several times but was always dumped.  So then I thought, hey, why don't I just use girls for my pleasures?  You know, the whole stupid player thing... But that didn't make me happy.  What good is using a woman like that?  That's when I realised... the reason the player life didn't make me happy was because I was still very much in love with a woman that hates me now."

Player.... I was just like my dad... But there was no way I could ever love Lily... I'm never going back to romances...  But dad has been through a lot.  He understands my pain.  I walked over to him and sat down next to him.  "Dad, I've made a mistake."

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