[51.5] Positive

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~*~*~*~*~ Jojo's POV ~*~*~*~*~

I was shitting bricks as I looked into my cupboard and couldn't decide what to wear.  Everything I owned didn't look... well, girly.  Except clothes that were just too small. 

            Storming out of my room and into mum's room I groaned, "I have nothing to wear."

            Mum sighed and put her book down.  "You sure you're not just being melodramatic, Jojo?"

            "... Well I have clothes... they're just not girly."

            "Let's see if I can find you something."  Mum got up and walked out the door, me trailing behind her.

            I swear my mother is a ninja.  She finds things that I would never be able to find.  That or I just have an attention span like Cory. 

            Mum had found me my denim jeans and a slightly girly shirt to go with it, then let me borrow some of her jewellery. 

            "Love you mum!" I said as I got out of the car. 

            "Yeah, you better.  Be home by eight."

            "Eight?" I groaned.  "But Cory get's to stay out until... whenever!"

            Mum sighed.  "Eight thirty then."




            "Nine thirty and that's the latest."

            I silently stared at her for a moment and stroked my invisible beard.  "Ten?" I tried again.

            Mum sighed and said, "Fine, ten!  But not any later, missy."

            "I won't!  Love you mum!"  With that I ran off before she could change her mind.

            "Want to go on the Ferris wheel?" Mike asked me as we stood with the rest of the group.  It was supposed to be a date, but all our friends were always there.  I was starting to feel a little upset.

            "I might just go sit down," I whispered.

            Mike gave me a sad look.  "You sure?  I was hoping we could have some alone time since it only seats two people."

            I looked back up into his brown eyes.  Alone time.  With Mike.  He said he wanted alone time.  With me.  Not the friends.  Me.  "Sure!" I replied, with much more enthusiasm.


            Mike took his hand in mine and stole me away from the crowd.  I felt like giggling as the butterflies erupted in my stomach.  

MIKE IS HOLDING MY HAND! AAAAAAAGH!!! Was all I could think.

By the time we got on the Ferris wheel, the rest of the group had noticed we had gone and they had annoyed looks on their faces.

"I thought we'd never get away," Mike sighed in relief, his hand still holding mine.

"I thought you were regretting coming with me," I confessed and blushed immediately.

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