[28] Positive

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Chapter 28

~*~*~*~Lily's POV~*~*~*~

You could say I was mad, but that would be an understatement. What Cory did was unforgiveable. Those cruel words he said, still hurt me. What's worse is that I actually started to think he had changed. That he liked me! Oh how could I have been so wrong? I was just one of his 'used' toys that he was going to throw away, but suddenly I became valuable... because I was pregnant.

I shook my head impatiently as I leaned against the tree that happened to be out the front of the school. I was aching to see Casey... I sent her a text as soon as I got out of the office to meet me out the front after school. The teachers had excused me for the rest of the day so I didn't really have a chance to talk to her in person. I was thankful that she replied and agreed we'd talk. My mind wandered back to the fight we had this morning. It was the best thing that could have happened to me. It gave me a somewhat perspective of everything. My situation, the people around me even my attitude! Casey had always been there for me, and even when it seemed like she wasn't, she was.

The door's opened abruptly and students came pouring out, crowding the front of the school. I stood on my tippy toes and tried to look over the other student's but faced the fact that there were too many people to tell apart... so I waited.

Eventually I saw her walk out, and she looked around for a few moment's until she saw me leaning against a tree. She walked up towards me with a neutral expression on her face. That's when the thought struck me. She might not have been willing to forgive me just yet.

"Hey," she said shyly which was rather un-Casey like.

"Casey, listen. I am so sorry-" I started but she waved her hands for me to stop.

"I'm sorry I went off at you this morning. You are going through a rough time and I just lost it at you. You're my best friend I should have treated you better."

I stood there rather confused. Why on earth was she apologising?

"Casey you do realise that I am thankful you said those things to me?"


"If it wasn't for your words I would probably be sulking around still!" I told her truthfully.

"I wouldn't say-"

"I would!" I cut in rudely but Casey just giggled.

We both stood there for a few moments before Casey said, "Let's go get an ice cream, I am starved. Plus you need to tell me everything that happened in PE! I heard it at lunch and they said you were at the office..."

"Let's get the ice cream first," I suggested as Casey nodded her head in agreement.

I explained everything that happened to Casey, as she watched me cautiously. Once I got to the things Cory said, my voice started to shake and I felt myself getting mad again. I tried to calm down my shoving a spoon full of vanilla ice cream in my mouth but I ended up getting a brain freeze.

"Stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth," Casey said smiling, showing her pearly whites off.

"That never works," I replied while I collapsed my head into my hand.

"It works for me!" she sung in a childish voice that made me laugh.

My brain freeze faded and I continued, telling her about Jake and how he defended me, what Cory said and how the principal wants me gone.

"Wow, you have had one hell of a day," she pointed out to me, even though I knew this.

"Tell me about it. I mean, I can't get over what Cory said! It was like a bullet to my heart, and then he had to go rub it in my face."

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