[32] Positive

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~*~*~*~*~*~Lily's POV~*~*~*~*~*~

Chapter 32

"Mum, dad... What are you doing here?" I asked them curiously.

"Lily... We need to talk," both my parent's told me.

My brain was a jumbled mess filled with confusion and anxiety. Why the hell were they at Cory's?

All of a sudden Cory rose from his seat with anger and stated, "I'm going to my room."

I watched as he stomped upstairs furiously. What on earth was that about?

"Can one of you guys please explain to me what is going on? Please," I asked all the adults while Jojo stood next to me just as awkwardly as I was standing.

"Lily, take a seat, you too Josephine," Kate said as both Jojo and I took a seat at her table.

We all sat there in an uncomfortable silence, while the faint sound of music was being played from upstairs. Cory must be trying to block everything out.

"Mum, what the hell is going on?" Jojo broke the silence.

Kate sighed, "Cory is a little upset with some arranged plans."

"What plans?" I asked joining the conversation.

Kate looked across to my parents who looked at me.

"Lily sweetheart, we are going to a teen pregnancy convention," my mum told me with a small smile.

I looked at her surprised, "A what?"

"A lady from my work told me about it. She has a daughter around your age who got pregnant and they decided to go to it since they had no idea how to handle it."

"Oh, okay. When do we leave?"

Everyone was silent.

"When do we leave," I repeated again.

My dad took over, "Kate, your mother, and myself are leaving tonight."

Now I was utterly confused.

"Where do I fit in?"


This can't be good.

"It's a convention, just for the parents of the child. We get to learn how to handle that our child is pregnant at such a young age, and how we can help you through it!" Mum said with much enthusiasm.

I looked at Kate who had a brief look of humour on her face. I knew that she probably only agreed to this, for my parent's sake. She believed in learning as you go, which is sort of how I wanted to raise this child.

"So let me get this straight. You guys are leaving me here on my own for the whole weekend for some convention?"

"Of course not!" mum shouted as if I was missing the point.

My brain was confused beyond belief. Everything they said just added more confusion until it all piled up leaving me utterly speechless.

"Lily, what your mother is trying to say is that they don't want you alone all weekend in the house. So you'll be staying here with Jojo and Cory," Kate told me politely yet straight to the point.

I stood there for a moment, completely still and utterly astounded. What the hell did she just say?

"WHAT?!" I screamed loudly as all eyes stared at me kind of worried, all except Jojo that is. She seemed to be enlightened with the idea and her eyes were filled with joy.

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