[44] Positive

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~*~*~*~Lily's POV~*~*~*~

Chapter 44

My mind rejected the thought of going back to class almost immediately and to be honest, the idea of sitting in History class trying to act as if I cared about what happened in the past while my mind was constantly bugged with thoughts of what to do with Cory, didn't sound so pleasant to me. Instead I skipped the rest of school; something the old Lily Williams would never have even thought about doing. But my way of thinking had definitely changed and my gut agreed with my decision nearly one hundred percent.

I somehow found my way into a diner named 'Susan's Kitchen' not so far away. Walking in I could smell the food being cooked in the back kitchen and on cue my stomach grumbled. I made my way over to a free table, which was a hard choice since hardly anyone was here. The only people in the diner seemed to be a two business man having lunch, and an elderly woman with two younger children.

I squirmed in my seat trying to make myself comfortable while picking up the menu to see what I could eat. This was exactly what I needed... a place to think.

Everything at school was getting in the way of what was going through my mind, and I didn't want to be confused any more. It was now that I would decide what to do... by myself... for myself... for us.

With those words running through my head, I knew I had my answer. Us.

I pulled out my phone and opened my messages to find one from Jake.

'Where are you? I came to pick you up after class but they said you weren't there. Is everything okay?' it read.

A small smiled tugged at my lips as I replied.

'Everything is fine, I just felt a little sick so I decided to go home.'

I placed my phone on the table as one of the waitresses came around, asking me what I wanted. I decided to have a quick bite by ordering a toasted sandwich and can of coke. As she left I rested my head against the window looking out upon the street, watching the cars drive past and people walk across the pavement nearby.

They have absolutely no clue about what I am going through.

Something I was once to be blessed with. Being the outsider to what would be called drama. I shook my head and laughed silently to myself. Who was I kidding; for once I was actually being someone and I loved it. Whether it would be stares of disgust, or curiosity, I was making something out of myself. My whole self has changed, and that's the thing I should be grateful for!

My attitude, courage, strength, maturity and even my emotions had changed. Almost automatically my hands cradled my stomach and my smile grew stronger against my face.

"This all because of you... Thank you," I whispered softly while gently rubbing my stomach that beared my child.

My phone vibrated and I jumped at the noise it made against the table.

'I am glad you are okay. You had me worried for a second.'

Again my lips curved up into a small smile, as I pulled back a strand of hair that fell upon my face.

'Do you want to do something tonight?'

Almost immediately after I sent that message I received a reply, 'I never thought you'd ask.'

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