[30] Positive

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~*~*~*~*~Lily's POV~*~*~*~*~

Chapter 30

For the first time in weeks; I felt great. Nobody could wipe the huge grin that had recently been stuck across my face. It was amazing feeling like this, being able to say you were truly happy. That everything you had worried about, now seem to have been forgotten. I felt like happy dancing! I can't remember feeling like this.

I walked down the hall, beaming a huge smile, making my way to my locker.

I turned the corner and noticed none other than Jake leaning against it, matching the same smile I had on my face.

"Well hello there," he said cheekily as I walked up to him.

He gave me a quick peck on the lips before moving aside. My head was spinning even from the slightest interaction, but it was still amazing. In fact, Jake was amazing. I still had troubles imagining it all. He made me feel like I was completely myself. I was relaxed around him, and could say or do whatever I wanted.

I closed my locker after I got my stuff for first session, "So what's the plan for tonight?"

Jake smiled even brighter at my attempts of asking him out on a date, "Oh you know, I have stuff."

"That's a shame, I guess I'll have to make plan's with someone else," I used sarcasm right back at him.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Mmmm, I was thinking dinner and a movie?"

Jake pondered for a moment, "Only if it's your shout."

My mouth formed the shape of an 'o' as I playfully hit Jake on the arm.

"I am only joking! But it sounds good, pick you up around 6?" he asked me just as the bell rang.

"Sounds great! I'll see you at lunch!" I yelled as we both started heading towards our classes.

I headed off to my next class. I had double Maths which I was actually looking forward to with Casey.

As I got in I took a seat near the back making sure to save one beside me for Casey. Maths happened to be the lesson that Casey and I talked in the most. Most of the time we got away with it so it automatically became the 'talk session.'

Not long later Casey walked in looking vibrant and happy and took a seat next to myself.

"Hey Lily!"

I laughed, "What's got you in such a good mood?"

"Oh, nothing particularly"

I raised an eyebrow at her knowing that there was some reason she was in such a good mood, "Now why don't I believe that?"

Casey smiled but shook her head. Why did she have to be so stubborn?

I huffed in frustration and she let out a long deep sigh, "Just a certain someone."

That's when I knew the rest, "Would that certain someone; be Tristan?"

"Pffft, err no."


"Am not, now concentrate on the board!"

I shook my head with laughed, "The class hasn't even started..."

"SHHHH! I am trying to listen!"

I just laughed for what must have been a very long time. It was definitely like Casey to try and avoid a subject like that. I knew she liked Tristan, but I guess she was developing her feelings a lot more.

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