[27] Positive

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~*~*~*~*~Cory's POV~*~*~*~*~

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Lily hated me.  It was final.  She completely and utterly hated me.  And the sad part is... I deserved every ounce of hate she had for me.  I mean, what the bloody hell was I thinking?  I wanted her back and I just went ahead and did that.

            I stared at my ceiling and closed my eyes, thinking back to that moment.


It was lunch time and I was sitting outside with Courtney.  I had just retold the events of the fight between Lily and I yesterday afternoon.

            "She doesn't want me around anymore," I whispered.

            "Do you know that for sure?"

            I shrugged.  "She's dating Jake now... that says it all."

            Courtney sighed.  "Don't give up Cory."

            "I know I shouldn't but... why chase a hopeless dream?  I'm never going to have Lily.  Just think about it.  Lily is smart, kind, beautiful, and she'd never go for a jerk like me.  She's right in every way she sees me.  Sometimes I just really... hate myself."

            And that's when a hand came across my cheek. 

            "Ow!" I complained.  "Why did you slap me?!" I demanded.

            "Because I'm seeing if I can hit those silly thoughts out of your head."

            "You could have used words," I mumbled.

            "I know but it was more fun this way."

            I rolled my eyes and Courtney giggled.

            Then her smile dropped and she got serious again.  "Cory, we all make mistakes in life, for good and for bad.  That night where you and Lily had sex... it might be a mistake, but the good part is she got pregnant."

            "Ah... how is getting a teen pregnant ever seen as good?"

            "Because her pregnancy brought you two together."

            "And then she saw what I'm really like and she hates me."

            "Cory, a few months ago, if you ever told me you'd become a caring guy and you'd be up all night studying I'd ask you if you're drunk."

            "Wow, love the faith you all have in me."

            "I know right?  Anyway, Lily has changed you in ways everyone can see but her.  All you have to do is let her see that."

            "But I can't do it!"

            "You can!"

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