[52] Positive

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Chapter 52

~*~*~Lily's POV~*~*~

As I opened my eyes I noticed the familiar glow of my starry roof above me; something that had never changed throughout my entire childhood. It would never be the same as the real sky that was shining outside at this very moment but even the thought of moving made my body freeze completely. My bed was the only place I wanted to be and right now. It had been for the last month...

"Lily?" my Mum asked opening my door to find me lying down in bed staring at the ceiling.

I turned my head and gave her a small smile to show that I recognised she was here. She edged closer to the end of my bed before sitting down moving her hand to rest against my leg.

My initial reaction was a small flinch that made my mother's eyes well up in tears, something I was never use to seeing. She had been doing so for days now, ever since the accident. Yet I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"I'm so so sorry Lily."

As much as a part of me wanted to get up and hug my mother who looked nothing but distraught, I couldn't. It was a task to even look at her when I was like this. I didn't want anyone to be here. I don't want anyone telling me they are sorry. I'm not some microphone that you can tell all this too and just magically understand it all.

She gave a weary sob as my gaze went back to my ceiling. I wasn't going to watch this unravel; I already had enough of it.

It wasn't as if I was heartless, it was more so the fact that I had misplaced all my feelings into something else that just seemed to be lost. That part of me would never come back and it scared me to know that because of this, I'd never be the same.

My Mum managed to breathe steadily before telling me what she originally came here to say, "I called back your school today. I told them that you would be taking some time off to deal with your situation. They understood completely..."

She paused to see if I wanted to respond to what she just said, but soon realised as always that I had nothing to say about anything anymore.

"Also, Cory dropped by to see you again... you were sleeping so I told him to come back tomorrow. He's really been missing you. The same goes to Casey, she's been calling the house non-stop."

My heart throbbed and I knew I couldn't take much more of this so I turned to look at my Mum before clearly stating, "If anyone comes to see me, tell them I don't want any visitors."

"But honey-" my Mum tried to reply but her voice still sounded rather stunned that I actually spoke. The last time that I seemed like me was in the hospital when my world was shattered. That would be the last time anyone saw Lily Williams like that.  

I returned my gaze to my mother making sure she understood how serious I was being when I asked, "Can you do this for me?"

She sighed, tears still in her eyes but now with a much more concerned expression upon her aged face. I knew this was the last thing she wanted to do, but I knew she would accept it regardless.

"Okay sweetheart. Just try and rest okay?"

I rolled over and sunk into my pillows. I was ready to sleep off this conversation. I was so ready to sleep off my life.

My alarm clock read '02:11am.' It was a usual sight for me to wake up at all hours of the night... I was usually sleeping through the entire day anyway. Mum usually woke me up by bringing me dinner, sometimes she'd come give me snacks throughout the day. I didn't have much of an appetite these days anyway. It was barely survival at its best.

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