[21] Positive

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~*~*~*~*~*~Cory's POV~*~*~*~*~*~

Chapter Twenty-one

Laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling I threw a ball up and caught it, again and again.   

            Never give up, my dad's words echoed in my head.


It was a sunny day whilst my dad and I were playing cricket. He threw me the ball and I missed.  He threw it again and I still missed.

            He continued to throw the ball and i continued to miss.

            Eventually I threw my bat on the ground.

            "This game is stupid!  I'll never get it!  I'll never be able to play cricket!" I shouted.

            Dad walked over to me and crouched down till he was level with me.

            "Never give up," he told me.  "Always go for your dreams, always go for the things you want.  If your heart desires it then don't let go.  Never go for second best or else you're going to go nowhere Cory."

            I looked into my dad's eyes in disbelief.

            "If you dream then you can aspire.  So never give up.  If you can't play cricket well, you practice till you get it.  If you're failing a class, you study till you remember it.  If some girl is turning you down, you try to show her your true self to get her.  Never give up Cory.  Because only losers give up.  Do you want to be a loser?"

            "No," I mumbled.

            "I can't hear you.  Do you want to be a loser?"

            "NO!" I shouted louder.

            Dad smiled and patted me on the head.  "That's my boy."

            I grinned widely at him.


            Catching the ball for the last time I tossed it on my bed and sat up.

            How could I let Lily go like that?

            I jumped up and grabbed my keys off the dresser.

            I pulled over at the curb and unbuckled my seat belt, I was about to get out when something caught my eye.  Lily was walking over to Jake's car with him.

            His hand was on her back and she was smiling at him.

            I felt a pain in my chest seeing her happy with him.

            And when I looked at his cheesy smile I got angry.

            What does she see in him?! I demanded in my head.

            I rested my head against the steering wheel. 

            "This is what you get Cory for waiting too long," I told myself.

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