[16] Positive

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~*~*~Lily's POV~*~*~

Chapter 16

"How was the ultra sound Honey?" My mum asked as I got in the car.

"It was definitely something," I replied with a smile.

"What about Cory?"

"He was fine."

My mum gave me a small smile before starting the car.

My stomach fluttered and I tried very hard for it to stop, but it just wasn't working. Why did he make me feel like this? I mean he's been a complete jerk to me and all, but I still feel for him.

That's when the constant mind battle started.

"What did you just say?" my mind said to myself.


"Oh you just said you feel for him!"

"I didn't!"'

"Yes you did!

"I said nothing."


"No I didn't"

"I hate you."

"How can you hate me? I am your brain"

"I just can, okay?"

I was cut off as I heard the loud roar of a car engine. I looked in the rear-view mirror to see a black Mustang, pulling out. Of course I knew this, because that happened to be Cory's car... In fact that car was Cory's.

He owned a 1965 black convertible mustang, which might I add was a very nice car. He had the best car in the school, which was another reason the girls went after him.

Mum stopped at the lights and He pulled up beside us. He noticed we were beside him and gave a small wave which was directed at my mum. She smiled and waved back.

"Argh," I groaned.

Cory seemed to see to see my annoyance and decided to rev his engine just to tick me off. I scowled while he smiled, driving off into the distance as the lights turned green.

"Smart ass," I muttered low enough so that my mum wouldn't hear.

The car ride was slow, but it gave me time to think. Especially with everything that had happened. I mean Cory actually came; he acted as if he cared!

I smiled to myself remembering...

I was sitting in the room feeling quite anxious.

It's not every day you have to lay on a bed with a bunch of freaky looking machines everywhere. If I didn't know any better I would of thought they were some alien kind.

An older woman that looked like she was in her mid 40's walked in with a friendly smile on her face. She had sandy brown hair pulled back into a pony tail and light green eyes.

"Hello Lily, I am Doctor Harrison," she said with a smile.

"Um, hey," I said a little awkward especially after I remembered that she would be the one to deliver my baby.

She moved around the room grabbing different items and writing down stuff on a sheet of paper. I kind of got fidgety and started playing with a strand of my brown hair.

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