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~*~*~*~*~*~*~Cory's POV~*~*~*~*~*~

Chapter One










The music pounded through the house and with a drink clutched in my hand I walked over to a group of girls.

"Hey Cory," one of the girls said seductively.

I gave her a smile and she giggled. That was the usual response to my smiles.

            "Have you girls seen Jo Jo anywhere?" I asked them.

            They shook their heads and continued to fawn over me.

            Sighing, I thought to myself, where could that girl be? 

            "Thanks anyway," I said, turning around and heading back into the crowd of people.

            "Hey Cory, my mate!" a voice shouted from across the room.

            I glanced over the people and locked eyes with my best mate Tristan.

            Tristan has curly blonde hair that fell across his forehead in a messy disarray.  He had bright green eyes and a baby face.

            "Hey Tristan!  What's happening?" I asked him as we met up.

            "Oh you know, just chilling with the ladies."

            "Sweet man.  Hey, have you seen Jo Jo anywhere?"

            "Um, no, not really.  Maybe she's in her room?"

            I nodded.  "Yeah, probably.  Hey, I'll catch you around, alright?  I have to find her and tell her something."

            "Okay, see ya."

I walked up the stairs and across the landing, into Jo Jo's room.

            She was sitting on her bed, laptop open.

            "Hey," she said, glancing briefly at me then back at her laptop.

            "You're supposed to be asleep," I stated.

            "And you're not supposed to be having a party," she replied.  "So I guess we're even"

            I sighed.  "How am I supposed to show mum and dad I'm responsible if you don't go to sleep on time?"

            "Maybe you shouldn't throw parties the second mum and dad's backs are turned, then they might think you're responsible."

            I glared at her.  "But they're never going to find out that I had this party."

            She glared back evilly at me.  "Just like they're never going to find out I was up past my bedtime, right?"

            Sighing in defeat I said, "Fine.  But be asleep by one!"

            "Yes sir!" she said, mockingly saluting me.

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