[54] Positive

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Cory's POV

Chapter Fifty-Four

The sun streamed in from the crack in the curtain and I shut my eyes tighter, not wanting to admit it was morning. Ever since school finished I've been getting up at 6:00 am to get to work by 8:00am. It was a tough life being a mature adult now. I had taken a part time job at the supermarket near home whilst I still waited for a confirmation from universities on whether or not I was accepted.

Beep... beep... beep... My alarm sounded and begrudgingly I opened my eyes and snapped my hand on the off button. It was time to get up and face the day. I showered and put on my uniform before heading downstairs to the kitchen. My mum had been loving my early risings because for once she had some company as she had breakfast. She had put her foot down at work and demanded less overtime so now she was working on smaller cases instead of heavy ones. They were much more boring but at least she got to spend some time with us.

After eating my breakfast, I grabbed my keys off the counter and started heading towards the door.

"Leaving already?" mum asked, pouting.

"I have to leave now if I want to get coffee."

"You're a caffeine addict like your father," she grumbled.

I chuckled and responded with "I'll see you at dinner."

"Have fun, Cory." With that, I headed out the door and to the nearest cafe.

Pulling up to the curb, I grabbed the coffee and stumbled out the door, heading down the walk way. Before I had the chance to awkwardly knock with my hands full, the door opened and a grey eyed brunette girl greeted me with a smile. "For you, madam," I said, holding a coffee cup towards her. She went to reach for it and I pulled it back and held out mine. She glared at me for a second and went to reach for mine until I pulled it back and offered hers again.

"Cory!" she fumed.

Chuckling I let her take the coffee cup and kissed her on the cheek. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Are mornings ever good?"

"They are always good when I get to wake up and come see you."

"Yeah but we are going to work all day," she groaned.

"Why are you complaining when we work together?"

"Because I'm always at the registers serving stupid customers with their stupid stories whilst you're in the back room unpacking stock and listening to your music with your headphones in. Ergo, I have every reason to complain about work."

We started walking to my car and I pouted at her whilst she took a sip of coffee. She glanced at me and cracked an eyebrow. "What?"

"Do lunch breaks and before work suck though?"

She sighed and gently pushed me. "Definitely not. I love spending that time with you."

"Good! Then don't complain."

I held the door open for a giggling Lily and ran around the car to my door, hopping in and starting it up. "Off to work!" I exclaimed put my foot down on the accelerator.

Lily cranked up the radio and we sang along to the songs. Smiling I thought, "How did I ever get so lucky to have her in my life?" It's been nearly four months since that day she turned up on my doorstep and not a day goes by without me acknowledging how grateful I am for this woman.


Opening the door I tripped over the frame and collapsed on a figure. Craning my head back I stared into two familiar grey eyes. "Lily," I whispered.

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