[33] Positive

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~*~*~*~*~Cory's POV~*~*~*~*~

Chapter 33

With my music turned up full blast I opened up my homework and angrily started to solve math problems.

            Why now? 

Why Lily? 

            But more importantly... why did she have to make me angry at her by having sex with Jake?

            Jake, ugh I hate him.

            I didn't realise I was pressing my pen on the paper till it snapped and covered my homework in ink.

            "I can't concentrate!" I yelled in frustration.

            I pushed away from the desk and sat in the middle of my bed, clutching my legs protectively and I buried my head between my knees.

            "Why did she have to do that to me?" I whispered.  "Why did Lily have to sleep with him?"

            When everything was going right, it automatically turned wrong.

            I started to question how I'd get through this weekend.  Lily hates me now.  She doesn't want anything to do with me.  I bet she already has plans to replace me as well.

             I sighed.  But I still like her...

            "CORY!" a voice yelled, interrupting my thoughts.

            I threw myself off my bed and stomped down the stairs.

            "What?" I spat.

            "Doesn't you mum get a hug before she leaves?" mum asked with a warm hearted smile.

            No matter how mad I was at her for doing this to me, I walked over to her and gave her a bear hug.

            "Be a good boy and no parties please," she said sternly to me.

 "I didn't plan on having on but now that you mention it-"

Mum scowled at me causing me to laugh. 

"You're too easy to fool mum," I chuckled.

"I know, just be good, you too Josephine!"

"Jojo!" Jojo screamed at mum.  She hated being called Josephine.  But Jojo giggled after.

"Have a good time," Lily said.

We watched them climb into the car and drive away.  Once they were gone I closed the door. 

The room had grown awkwardly silent.

 "Do da de da do de da!" Jojo sung as she skipped upstairs.

Lily let out a small giggle and asked me, "She is always a little hyper isn't she?"

The sound of Lily's laugh was like music to my ears...  "Yeah, don't know where she get's the energy from," I replied, smirking.

            "I could use some, life is just exhausting."

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