[46] Positive

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Chapter 46

~Lily's POV~

"How is that even possi-?" I sneezed before finishing my sentence.

"Bless you," Cory smirked showing that smile that just made me want to melt right in front of him.

"But seriously..."

Cory sighed but still had that wicked smirk upon his face, "Like I said before, I just don't get sick. I never have... and anyway, it's not my fault you stood out in the rain all night."

I scoffed, "Not your fault... you practically made me! What else was I supposed to do? Wait for you to stop singing?"

Although I was trying to be annoyed with Cory, I couldn't help but smile. That night was really something else... There really is much more to say about it. It's not every day you get the boy you love serenade you in front of your house in the middle of the night. It was almost magical, and when we kissed and it started to rain. It sounds so cliché, like the exact thing you'd see in a Taylor Swift video clip. Then again, I wouldn't change a single thing because at the time it felt so unreal even though it was happening in reality. The last thing that I would have thought about was the fact I could get sick.

"You took that chance to come outside and see me," he almost sung in a happy tune which I couldn't help but blush at.

Cory noticed and purposely started grabbing at my flushed cheeks as if I was a little baby, "Aww, my little Lily is blushing."

"Shut up, people are staring," I told him slapping his hand away.

Somehow I felt more comfortable then I had been for the last few weeks. It was like I could finally be myself again and it was all because I was walking hand in hand with Cory. He was my confidence boost, and with him around I really did feel like I could do anything. I'd admit though, I was slightly nervous to see him, but the look he gave me when he saw me was enough to settle me. He was Cory, everything that I needed for now and forever.

"Lily, Cory!"

I turned around to see Casey running towards us with a bunch of flyers in her hand. For anyone else she would look like a nut job who had far too much to do, but this was her usual sight.

"Well someone has been busy today," Cory laughed, as Casey stopped to catch her breath.

"I've been looking everywhere for you two!"

"We've been... around?" I told her with a small smile.

She raised an eyebrow and smiled, "I've heard. That's what everyone has been talking about this morning... you two," she said pointing a finger at both of us.

I frowned, "Seriously?"

"Oh wipe that frown off your face, you should be happy. You've got a man candy on your arm, flaunt it," she laughed while Cory turned to me with a cheeky smile.

"I'm delicious man candy," he said lowering his voice.

We all laughed, catching a few stares from people walking in the halls.

"Anyway, are you two going to the spring fate this year?"

I looked at Cory who seemed to have had the same idea as me and looked at me for an answer. Although we both kind of stood there just staring until Casey coughed.

"... yes, no?" she smirked knowingly.

"I don't know Casey... The spring fate was kind of lame last year. I mean they had decent rides but the lines went for ages."

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