[10] Positive

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~*~*~Lily's POV~*~*~

Chapter 10










"Eh, Lily? How do you want to go about this?" asked Cory who was seated on my bed.

"I honestly don't know, but I'm open to ideas," I rather asked than told him.

Cory ran his hands through his black hair and looked as if he was in deep thought.

I on the other hand was confused by my mixed emotions. I mean I wanted to tell my parents now, it was the right thing and I knew that. But my heart was pumping and my stomach was obviously devastated with that idea. My brain was in a constant fighting match, yet I was so focused on Cory that it made me almost... comfortable?

It wasn't like I didn't mind Cory's company, in a way it gave me relief to know he was almost in the same situation as me. Just the last few times we have actually 'talked' it has led to a fight and it felt weird being able to say I was comfortable around him.

"Well, we can either break the news slowly or come right out and say it?" Cory suggested breaking my thoughts.

I thought it over for a moment. I wasn't too happy with either of those suggestions. My parents would freak if I just told them, and they didn't like to be dragged along.

I moaned and fell back on to my pillow, "I don't know."

Cory chuckled at my reaction and a small smile appeared on my face.

"I guess maybe we could sort of mix it up a little," I reasoned.

"Mix it up?"

"Well I don't think telling them straight out is a very good idea, but dragging it on makes it that much more horrible," I said a little exaggerated.

Cory gazed at me intensely.  As much as I tried to fight it I couldn't pull away from his eyes.

"LILY!" yelled my mother from downstairs.

Cory broke eye contact and cleared his throat, "You should go see what she wants."

I shook my head a little and nodded.

I got up and walked towards my door looking back before I opened it.

"I'll be back in a minute okay."

Cory gave me a small smile before I walked out and closed the door behind me.

Why did his smile have to give me butterflies?

I tried to shake the feeling off, but it stuck to me. The worst part I was admitting to myself that I rather liked the feeling.

I was just about to walk downstairs before I felt something vibrate in my pocket. I pulled out my flip phone and looked at it to find I had received a text message from Casey.

'I have this craving for milkshakes ;)'

I smiled at the text message. It was our own little personal joke that happened on the holidays.


It was a few days into the holidays and I was sitting with Casey in my room.

"I still can't believe he did that to me!" Casey yelled furiously pacing my room.

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