[48] Positive

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Chapter 48

~*~Lily's POV~*~

"What?" I asked rather stunned and still embarrassed that Cory was here whilst I was looking like a mess in my Elmo pyjamas, not to mention the bird's nest that was my hair this morning.

Cory smiled, obviously realised that he caught me off guard. He took a step closer nearing his face to mine as he repeated, "We're going to the Spring Fate."

My heart quickened as usual as he slowly reached for my cheek, stroking it with his thumb.

"Uh, um... I thought you, err... didn't want to go?" I managed to get out, but was getting distracted by his simple touch.

He smirked, "I changed my mind."

I waited for him to close the small distance that was now between us, as I watched his bright blue eyes look at me with such sincerity. To my surprise he jumped back immediately and walked to my wardrobe as he started to rummage through my clothes.

My first initial reaction was to yell at him, but I was still in a daze of his presence.

"Hmm, you should wear something that show off your legs. You have nice legs," he started telling me, looking through my clothes.

"What do you think you are doing?!" I yelled at him as he started taking out some of my dresses.

Cory smiled innocently, "I'm deciding what you are going to wear today!"

I really couldn't believe what he was doing. I wasn't sure whether to be annoyed by the fact he was going through my clothes, or humoured by how easily he made it sound.

"I think I'll pick what I wear, thank you," I said snatching one of the dressed he was examining.

He started to pout like a puppy dog, making whining noises to play along. I'd have to admit that if anybody else did this I probably wouldn't fall for it. I wasn't the one to be set up by the 'puppy eyes,' but Cory on the other hand made it irresistible to not 'aww' over.

I gave him a look of displeasure, even though my heart was racing.

"You are mean," he said childishly, crossing his arms across his chest.

I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction as I gave in, "I promise to wear something that shows of my legs"

His perfect smiled appeared on his face only to be wiped seconds later, "No, you aren't wearing anything that shows anything! You are being conservative."

I raised my eyebrow in confusion, "Uh, but you just said-"

"I don't care... Make sure you cover yourself right up, I don't want to have other guys looking at you."

"Is that what you're worried about?" I asked him amused.

He ran his hands through his hair, genuinely looking embarrassed. I wasn't used to seeing Cory act this way, he was either always cocky or simply romantic.

"You're mine, I don't want anyone to take that away from me," he mumbled looking away from me.

I moved forward and wrapped my arms around him, enforcing a hug. Of course Cory immediately responded holding me close to his chest.

"I'm not going anywhere Cory. You'll be mine forever... if you let me of course."

I could hear his heart beating as I closed my eyes. I really wouldn't mind staying like this forever, I was actually living my life, it was so abnormally messed up, but perfect in every single way.

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