[22] Positive

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~*~*~*~Lily's POV~*~*~*~

Chapter 22

 "Er, Jake?" I asked rather confused at my surroundings.

"Yes Lily"

"We are on the side of the road," I stated motioning around the nothingness around us. It was pitch black, and the only light there was, came from Jakes car.

Jake laughed, shaking his head before clicking a button to open the boot.

"Oh no, this isn't the part where you murder me?"

I heard Jake laugh again before he replied, "You watch too many movies."

My mouth opened wide, before I turned around and started walking up the road ahead of me.

The sky was a deep blue with tiny flecks of light spread across it. It was quite memorizing as if you were in some sort of trance. It somewhat reminded me of when I was a kid, and when my family was rather less... pushy. It was easy back then, all I had to do was have fun. One memory I still remembered was the time we went on a family vacation to some beach on the coast. We stayed in these cabins and I had the top bunk, which back then was like winning the lottery. As a family we walked along the beach at night and I remember how I thought the sky was so beautiful; just like it looked now.

I heard Jake slam the boot of his car and I nearly jumped out of my shoes. He locked his car and immediately all the lights were off, so all I could see was the faint glow of the stars above me.

"Jake? Where are you?" I asked rather frightened.

"Oh, around," he replied in his teasing voice.

I frowned even though he couldn't see me, "Jake, this is so not funny."

I waited for his reply but didn't receive one. The sound of gravel being stepped on was all I could hear.

Okay fine. If he wanted to play this game, so could I. Silently I started moving around the darkness, not exactly sure what I was doing.

I took a step and ran directly into something hard.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath, even though I was completely aware that Jake could hear me.

"Lily, are you okay?"

"I ran into to your freaking car!"

As soon as I said this Jake hysterically laughed, and I could almost sense him shaking his head at me.

"Oh shut up!"

I saw a flash of light and noticed it shining around until it reached me. I turned my head away as I heard Jake's footsteps grow closer.

"Come on Lily," I heard him say as he placed a hand on my back to push me in a direction.

I let him lead me into the darkness which I wasn't sure whether it was the right thing to do, but hey? You need to take chances right? That thought lead me back to what Casey said 'No Regrets.' Should I tell him now?

"Jake?" I asked, deciding to break it to him now.

"I am not telling you where we are going. It's a surprise," he said as I felt him smiling.

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