Prologue: Lily

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When I was little and I hurt a friend's feelings or broke something in the house, my mum would always utter the phrase "we all make mistakes" as she stroked my hair while I cried into her chest. Then she'd go on with the spiel about the best mistakes are ones we learn from, where next time we know to be better, make healthier decisions.

This time, mum wasn't going to stroke my hair while I cried.

This time, no one could tell me the right or wrong thing to do.

This time, I was on my own to decide how I could possibly learn from this.

One night of bad decisions led to a whole lot of responsibility falling on my shoulders. No matter what, I knew back then that I would let someone down: it, him, me, my friends, my family, my future...

But even now, looking back at everything that happened this year and how things unfolded, I can't even call it a mistake anymore.

Because I can't regret any decisions that brought him to me.

Did I learn from everything that happened though?

Well... we're just going to have to see about that.

 we're just going to have to see about that

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