[15] Positive

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~*~*~*~*~*~*~Cory's POV~*~*~*~*~*~

Chapter Fifteen

I watched the clock tick by slowly till third session finally ended.

            "Don't forget your homework is due next week!" the teacher called out as we left.

            "Oi, Cory my man, you excited?" Dave asked.

            "About what?" I questioned.

            "Well since Lily is preggers and all, she's going to get big," he moved his hands to his chest, "Jugs."

            What happened next was totally not like me.  I didn't realise what was happening till the pain was in my fist and blood started to poor out of Dave's nose.

            "What the hell man?!" Dave exclaimed.

            "Don't talk about Lily that way," I found myself saying.

            What was going on with me?  Why was I doing this for a girl?!

            I stared at Dave for a bit longer in anger then turned around, heading towards the cafeteria.

            Shaking my head I tried to clear my thoughts. 

            What's so important about Lily that made me punch one of my friends?

            I walked over to the usual table and sat down, picking away at my lunch.

            "LISTEN UP!"

            I turned my head in the direction of the voice to see Lily's friend Casey standing on a table, a megaphone held up to her mouth.


Was she going where I think she's going?

"How dare you walk around this school and treat someone differently because of their choices! One of the great things in life is freedom to make a choice! Yet how can you expect them to choose when you are constantly bitching and putting that person down behind their back! You don't realise this but we all know it's wrong, and that person always knows!

 "Who cares If Lily keeps the baby! She made a choice! A choice I fully support! But the fact you are separating her from the rest of you guys is despicable! Teen pregnancy is a usual thing these days. In fact nearly one million teens get pregnant each year! What makes them any different to Lily?! She has made a brave decision, something not many people could have the courage to do and you sit there and talk about her like she is nothing!

"Next time you decide to start rumours or even talk behind someone's back... Just think about it!"

Staring down at my lunch I thought, wow... Casey really knew how to stick it.

My stomach started to knot up.

What was this feeling? I thought to myself.  Could it be... guilt?

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