[24] Positive

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~*~*~*~Lily's POV~*~*~*~

Chapter 24

"I have never had a guy go to that much trouble for me! That is so unfair!" Casey protested as I told her about my extraordinary date with Jake.

"Don't worry. I was pretty much in shock the whole time."

"It's almost like the movies. He takes you out to a place you never been, does something incredibly romantic and next BAM! You have you problem," she explained to me, emphasising every detail.

My eyebrows furrowed, "What problem?"

"You can't be serious?" she asked me as if it was clearly simple.

I continued to look at her with a confused look on my face until she said, "You like Jake!"


"I mean you like Jake AND Cory."

I sighed knowing this already. It had run through my mind many times over the last few days. I mean I love Cory no doubt about it, but Jake made me feel something. He made it almost exciting and fun to be around, as if we were really a couple. In my whole life I have never had that, not even with Cory. When Cory and I had sex, I was drunk! That wasn't my actions; it was the booze causing it.

"Is it that bad?" I asked Casey still thinking about both Cory and Jake.

She paused but eventually answered, "That's really up to you. Do you think you can like both guy's at once without getting tangled up?"

Honestly I had never thought about it like that. Liking two guys could be considered a good thing, but all it would bring is pain to not only me but the people around me. I was pregnant, with Cory's baby... How would he feel about me going on dates regularly with Jake? I don't think that would be too good. Plus how would Jake feel, as he continues to like me when he doesn't know that I am in love with Cory! My life just felt like a rollercoaster at the moment. It was non-stop drama all day round, and it's not like I can click pause and rewind everything.

I dropped my head to the table and moaned, "I am screwed."

Casey just laughed for a little bit, but soon sighed and looked as confused as I did.

"Err, Casey? Is everything okay with you?" I asked her a little worried.

Lately, everything had been my problems and I didn't stop to think Casey might be dealing with something herself.

"Oh, I am fine."


"What is it?" I continued to ask her.

"Nothing. I am completely fine."

Another lie.

I stared at her with an eyebrow waiting for her to tell me. Casey and I always knew when each other were lying. I guess it has always been a 'best friend' trait.

"It's not that important," she told me sadly.

I shook my head, "You are silly. When it comes to you, I want to know because you are important to me."

The corners of her mouth twitched up into a smile while she quietly laughed, "Of course you would say that."

"Well I kind of have to, but what's up?" I joked around.

She smiled but told me quietly, "There is this guy."

I couldn't help myself... I started to laugh. When it came to guy's Casey didn't have the best luck. It wasn't as if she had not had a boyfriend, because she had plenty. It was more the fact that they weren't the right guy, they had always turned out to be a jerk and used her pretty much for... sex. It was hard watching her cry over those complete assholes, but Casey was stronger than ever, a trait I so wished I had.

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