[40] Positive

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~*~*~*~Lily's POV~*~*~*~

Chapter 40

I strolled hand in hand with Cory along the pier, taking in the casual sunset background. His hand was so warm and it calmed my racing heart as we strolled along. His black hair reflected off the light, and his blue eyes seemed to have a sparkle in them. Once we reached the end of the pier he turned to face me giving me is oh so famous cheeky smirk.

"Lily," he whispered so softly cradling my face in his hands.


He gave me a long intense long, staring at me perfectly. How he always managed to captivate me by looking at me this way confused the hell out of me, but I didn't mind. I smiled as I took in his appearance.

"Lily, I love you."

My heart raced and I wondered if he just said those three words that I had been waiting on for so long to hear. I stood there stunned and he gave a silent chuckle.

"Um, excuse me?" I asked him, making sure I had indeed heard him right.

"I said," he started stepping closer to me restricting the space between us. "I love you."

I caught my breath and smiled unconsciously, "I love you too."

He lowered his face nearer to mine so we were only mere centimetres apart. I closed my eyes and waited, for what I wanted so badly. When it didn't happen I opened them. I saw Jake standing there, his hand in mine looking out onto the ocean.

"It's beautiful you know," he told me gently.

"What is?"

"The sunset... It reminds me of your smile."

I bit my lip, trying not to smile while he just smirked at me. He pulled me closer to him wrapping his arms around into his embrace. I just sunk into him, as his warmth overwhelmed me.

"Lily, I'm hungry!"

I jumped as Jojo let go of me and gave me a puppy dog look.

"Um, what do you want to eat?"

"MACCAS!" she screamed running back along the pier.

"I hope I have money on me," I mumbled to myself.


I turned to see who shouted my name but there was nobody else along the pier.


All of a sudden I felt strong shaking and I felt as if I was being forced into an earthquake.

My eyes opened and I looked up to see Jojo looking down at me with a bemused expression. She was still shaking me wildly and I was not sure if I was still dreaming.


I sat up slowly shaking my head slightly as Jojo sat back so she was at my feet.

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