Then Don't

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"Good Morning Rae." Beast Boy said with Raven in his arms. "Good Morning." Raven smiled. "I love you Raven." Beast Boy said sounding more serious than he ever has. "I love you too." Raven said hugging him tight. "If anything happens just know I'm never gone." Beast Boy raised his eyebrow at her. "Raven, what are you talking about?" Beast Boy asked worried. "I'll be okay. I just wanna do all I can to protect you." Raven said. "You're scaring me Raven; what's going on?" Beast Boy asked. "I'm scared." Raven started sobbing. "I don't know what to do! I can't let you die! You'll hate me!" Raven was sobbing. "Raven please tell me what's wrong! I could never hate you. I love you. I'm not gonna die." Beast Boy was frantically trying to calm her. "RAVEN, PHONE." Cyborg yelled from the living room. "I better see what this is about." Raven said standing up and putting her cape on. "Come back, promise?" Beast Boy said looking down. "Promise you know who I am?" Raven asked. Beast Boy got up and walked to her. "I know exactly who you are. I love who you are." Beast Boy said then kissed her.
"Who is it?" Raven asked and held the phone. "The girl said she's from 'Life Line Trades' I don't know." Cyborg said. Raven knew who it was. "Hello?" Raven said shaking. "Hey witch." Terra said laughing. "What do you want?" Raven snarled. "Deal has changed; you leave tonight. We have a device in Beast Boy that will crush his heart when we press a button." Terra said cooly. "What? I don't believe you!" Raven said shaking worse. "I was taking with Slade before Beast Boy picked you. I put the device in him incase I needed it. I put it in his tofu the day he picked you and then I gave it to Slade and now it's his plan." Terra said smirking. "Terra why? We trusted you; again you betrayed us." Raven said with a tear in her eye. "Awe why don't you cry about it witch." Terra laughed. "Awe why don't you shove it traitor!" Raven snapped. "You'll be one tonight hypocrite." Terra laughed. "Not by choice Terra!" Raven said angry. "Listen be outside tonight at nine." Terra said and hung up.
"Hey." Raven said coming into Beast Boy's room. "Hey babe. You okay?" Beast Boy asked opening his arms for her to lay in him. "I am now." She said taking his offer of laying on him. "Beast Boy kiss me." Raven said firmly. Beast Boy said nothing and kissed her. "Don't pull away." Raven said as he stopped. He kissed her and didn't stop. She grabbed his belt loop on his uniform to steady herself and became stronger. "Raven." Beast Boy said his voice shaking. "I don't think I can control myself if we don't stop." Beast Boy was trembling. "Then don't." Raven said firmly. She knew this might be her last chance to give herself to him. He took her cape off of her and threw it in the floor. Raven took his shirt off and her powers slung it across the room. Beast Boy's inner animal took control and he became wild. He took off her uniform and was not holding back anything. "Beast Boy." Raven gasped. Beast Boy kept going and didn't calm down. They didn't stop until Raven was shaking. "Raven, do you regret this?" Beast Boy asked. "No, never. I love you." Raven said firm. "I love you too princess." Beast Boy said kissing her head and they both got dressed. "What time is it?" Raven asked. "Six." Beast Boy said smirking. Raven had three hours. "Can we stay in here until eight?" Raven asked. "Of course babe." Beast Boy said stroking her side. "It's cold." Beast Boy complained as he flipped a switch to turn his fan off. "Then put you're shirt back on." Raven laughed. "Nope. You get to see all my manly dudeness." Beast Boy smirked and grabbed her. He lifted her to his chest and laid with her. She fell asleep for five minutes. "What time is it?" Raven frantically asked. "8:40" Beast Boy said keeping his eyes shut. Raven shot up and put her boots back on. "I gotta go. I love you and remember what I said." Raven said as she looked straight in his eyes and kissed him long and soft. "I love you too. I will never forget. See you at dinner." Beast Boy said happily. Raven started to cry when she left. She knew to save him she would have to leave him. She went to her room and packs everything but a gift she left for Beast Boy. The gift contained a locket with their picture. When it turned nine she went outside and Slade picked her up. "Hello dear child." Slade said grabbing her arm. "Don't touch me." Raven snarled. "Put this on." Slade said as he have her a uniform. It was like her own but a slit where her boobs are and some metal weapons on her arms and belt. She had black boots and a cape. "I thought I was an apprentice not a hooker." Raven rolled her eyes. "Dear girl you'll be whatever I want." Slade said smoothly. Raven gulped in fear. As they arrived at Slade's lair Terra walked out and laughed. "Look another Teen Titan traitor." Raven hit her with power. "Girls." Slade said in a father like tone. "Dude she looks like a stripper." Red X said walking outside. Raven looked at Slade with a told you so look. "Shut up. Everyone go train I'll tell you are plan to destroy the Titans."

Teen TitansOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora