Let Her Go

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"Where's Raven?" Beast Boy asked coming in for breakfast. "We thought she was with you. She's not in her room." Cyborg said while he was cooking. "Raven? Where are you? Come in." Beast Boy said over his communicator. "Guys Raven's communicator isn't working." Beast Boy said worriedly. "The girl can handle herself let's eat." Cyborg said placing everything on the table. "I know she can but I don't want her hurt." Beast Boy said sitting down sadly. The rest of the Titans sat and began to eat. "Hello Titans." Slade said appearing from nowhere. "Slade!" Robin growled as he stood and slammed his hands down. "Robin!" Red X laughed suddenly appearing. "Cyborg." Cyborg said harshly standing with his arm gun up. "Woah there tin can." Terra said appearing. "The whole criminal bunch." Beast Boy said snarling. "You've forgotten one dear boy." Slade said and Raven appeared. "Rae?" Beast Boy whimpered. "Beast Boy, remember." Raven whispered to him so he could only hear. He realized this was against her will. "Let her go Slade! Don't hurt her!" Beast Boy yelled. "Boy this was voluntary." Slade snapped. "Like mine was?" Robin snarled. "Shut up she's with us point blank." Terra said quickly. "Attack my child's." Slade said and they burst into action. "Friend Raven don't do this." Starfire whimpered as Terra attacked her. "Dang Beast Boy are all you're girlfriends defective?" Cyborg yelled. "It's not like that I can tell!" Beast Boy yelled. Raven approached Beast Boy and stopped. "Raven attack or else." Slade said grimly. Raven side kicked him and winced as if she was hit. He fell and got up fast. "I'm not gonna hurt you Raven." Beast Boy said looking at her. "Raven don't talk just fight." Slade ordered. "Slade let her go." Beast Boy yelled as Raven hit him. "Raven use you're powers!" Slade ordered and she stopped in her tracks. "Now." He yelled at her. "I'm sorry." Raven whispered. She hit him with her power and knocked him out. "Raven!" Cyborg yelled. Raven hit Cyborg and he was hit to the wall. Terra approached Beast Boy motionless and put a boulder over him and was ready to strike him dead. "You could've been happy with me. I loved you. I forgot nobody ever has real friends." Terra said and was about to hit him. Raven stopped what she was doing and hit Terra so she was knocked out. "Raven!" Slade yelled then hit her. "Sorry." Raven looked down. "Apprentices leave now." Slade ordered and they vanished. "Beast Boy!" Cyborg yelled and picked him up. He ran with him to the medical room and sat him down. "What's this?" Robin asked as he looked at a mark on Beast Boy's skin. "Something from Raven?" Starfire asked innocently. "Yea." Cyborg said and pressed on it and it started glowing. Letters appeared in the air. "I'm sorry. I had to go. He has implanted a device in Beast Boy's chest that if the red button Slade has on his belt is pressed then Beast Boy's heart gets crushed. Please don't hold back and pretend I'm the enemy. If I don't fight for him he will press the button. I can't let him die. When he wakes up tell him I love him." The letter vanished and Beast Boy awoke. The titans explained to him the letter. Beast Boy clenched his chest and cried. "You're not gonna die." Cyborg told him. "By me being saved it's killing her and who she is." Beast Boy said sadly. "It's because she loves you." Starfire said. "And I love her. I don't want her to pay for it." Beast Boy said and ran to his room.
"Beast Boy? Friend are you okay?" Starfire asked from outside his door. "Go away." Beast Boy sobbed from inside the door. "We can not show we know it is Raven." Starfire said to him. "Crying would be something I would do anyways now go away Starfire!" Beast Boy yelled. "Beast Boy we need to figure out a plan." Starfire suggested. "I will mess it up anyways." Beast Boy yelled back. "Beast Boy we need to figure out how to get Raven back and you're not helping the matter." Cyborg said passing by. "I just lost the girl I love leave me alone." Beast Boy said wearily. "He needs time let him be." Robin said and dragged Starfire to the kitchen. "Robin what are we gonna do?" Starfire asked sadly. "Cyborg is setting up something to take out the device as we speak." Robin said lifting up her chin. "Raven risked her life telling us that and it worked. We are getting her back. Just we have to be calm and wait." Robin said moving his hand to her cheek. "Oh joy! Beast Boy needs to know." Starfire said perking up. "No. He will not act as sad and we can't have him holding back. We remove the device while he sleeps and once Slade realizes we fight back." Robin said gloomily. "Robin, what if he hurts her?" Starfire asked sadly. "I don't know." Robin said looking down. "This is no fault of yours. I should've know when I was suspicious. " Starfire told him. "It's nobody's fault Star. You didn't do anything wrong." Robin assured her. "I have it set up and put gas to knock Beast Boy out in his room. When I'm done he will just assume he fell asleep. No one in the medical room until I'm done." Cyborg said then walked to Beast Boy's room. While they waited Starfire and Robin were on the roof. "Robin what if Red X comes after me again?" Starfire asked. "I'm not letting that happen again Star." Robin said pulling her in to hug him. "I love you Starfire. I won't let him hurt you." Robin told her holding her tight. "I love you too." Starfire said muffled through his shirt. "Guys Beast Boy didn't make it." Cyborg said crying in the doorway.

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