A little past too late

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All the titans searched for Control Freak from the spot the loud noise came from but only to she the bare control room wall. "I bet Starfire will remember this! Does the amethyst power crystal ring a bell?" Starfire gasped and then her eyes began to glow with anger. "You will return what you have stolen from my planet!" She was so angry the words flew out like a drum. "What's up with the glowy thingy?" Beast Boy asked with confusion and looked over at Starfire who had star bolts ready at her hands. "One of the most powerful gems of Tameran it gives abilities to quickly regain strength after an injury." Starfire said still furious. Robin pushed himself bedside Starfire and put his hand on her shoulder and eased her a bit. "Matthew, I know what I did back when we were kids was wrong. Please if there is anyway to forgive me I'm so sorry, just I'm begging don't take it out on my team. Don't hurt Starfire please!" Robin begged but Control Freak's lips curved into a sickening smile and spoke to Robin as if he were nothing. "Hate to break it to you boy wonder but your a little past too late, and as for them remember? You work alone!" Raven had decided she had heard enough so she used her powers to throw Control Freak against the back wall. Again using the gem he quickly regained his strength. "Titans go!" Robin shouted and all at once everyone battled Control Freak and it seemed they were winning until the gem began glowing and shot Beast Boy in the side. Beast Boy fell to the ground in pain. "Beast Boy!" Raven shouted then quickly rushed to his side seeing he was hurt she used some of her healing powers she had used on him before. She stood up and she was furious her eyes became like her fathers and she used her powers and hands came from the wall behind him and put the hands around his neck as he was against the wall. Raven shouted and hit him the her powers. "You leave him alone! You leave you friends alone! You leave this planet and Tameran alone!" then she used her powers ad took the gem and gave it to Starfire. When she turned around to face Control Freak he was gone.

The titans returned to the tower to search on the scanners. "He has fled we are now victorious! Yes?" Starfire exclaimed in a thrilling voice. "No Star, he may not have the gem but he still posses a great threat to our city. No one is safe until we find him." Robin finished his words and then as usual stormed into his room.

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