They Were Here For You

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"Never." Adena snapped and all the fire swirling around her hit him. Slade was knocked out. Adena resurfaced from the trance on the ground with Speedy holding her. "Adena, are you okay?" Speedy asked moving her hair behind her ear. Adena looked at him and threw her arms around him. She began to sob as he wrapped his arms around her and held tight. "What happened here?" Robin asked showing up with the other titans. "How'd you know that..?" Speedy began but was cut off. "I sensed something was wrong." Raven said. "Red X and Terra knocked over my car and wanted Adena to go with them. Then when we first started fighting them Adena fell to the ground and was shaking." Speedy explained still holding Adena. "I knew I sensed someone in someone else's mind." Raven said. "Slade." Adena said not moving. "Slade can't do that on his own. Can he?" Beast Boy asked. "No. It's Trigon. I knew it." Raven said leaving by herself. "Rae!" Beast Boy called out following her. "What is going on?" Starfire asked innocently. "I'm not sure Starfire." Robin said taking her hand and leading her to his cycle. "I've got her." Speedy assured them before they left. Speedy picked her up and carried her to his car. "Speedy." Adena called to him. "Yes?" He asked. "Can I stay with you for a while?" Adena asked. "Of course." Speedy answered laying her across the back seat and getting in with her. He laid her on him and wrapped his arms around her. "About what you said earlier... are we dating now?" Adena asked. "Oh I'm sorry if you don't wanna..." Speedy started. "No. I'm okay with it." Adena assured him. "So are we..?" Speedy began to ask. "Girlfriend and boyfriend?" Adena asked. "That sounded really immature I'm sorry." Adena said covering her face. "Yes. I'll be your boyfriend." Speedy said jokingly. "Oh I'm flattered." Adena joked back. "This might be bad but I wanna kiss you." Speedy said embarrassed. Adena turned over slowly so she was on him face to face. Adena looked at him nervously. Speedy moved his hands to her waist and felt her shake. "What's wrong?" Speedy asked. "I've never kissed anyone." Adena admitted. Speedy looked at her for a second then leaned in . "Are you sure? Do you wanna wait? Are we going to fast?" Speedy asked inches away from her lips. "I don't wanna go slow." Adena said looking serious. Speedy looked at her for a few seconds then leaned into her. He kissed her while steadying her at her waist. She kissed him back with her hands on his neck. Speedy began kissing harder. Adena was surprised. "I'm sorry." Speedy apologized. "Don't be." Adena said and started kissing him harder than he was her. Speedy pulled away and smiled. He then pulled her back in and kissed her but this time slower. He kissed her strong and steady.
"Raven?" Beast Boy asked from behind her door. "Are you okay?" The door can open by Raven using her powers. She was meditating on her bed. "Raven? What's going on?" Beast Boy asked. "Trigon. He's working with Slade. They need Adena for some reason." Raven said emotionless. "Rae. You defeated him before." Beast Boy pointed out. "I don't know if Adena can. I don't know if she control her powers, or what she's even capable of." Raven told him. "It's gonna be okay." Beast Boy assured her in a hug. "I hope you're right." Raven said worried.
"Dear Robin where are our friends?" Starfire asked sitting on the night stand in his room. "Beast Boy is in Raven's room trying to figure out what's wrong, Cyborg is with Bumble Bee trying to trace where Slade is, and Adena is with Speedy." Robin said sitting at his desk trying to figure things out. "Robin, why is Slade pursuing Adena?" Starfire asked. "Raven seems to think he's working with Trigon." Robin said. "Robin what if we can't stop him this time?" Starfire asked. "Star." Robin said stopping everything and looking at her. "I won't let anything happen to you." Robin said. Starfire just looked at him with concern. Robin got up and walked toward her. "I promise." He said placing his hand on her cheek. He looked at her and kissed her. "Robin?" Starfire asked breathless. "Yes." He answered breathing heavy. "Can we move off the night stand." Starfire asked. "Yea Star." Robin chucked a little. His face lit up in a smile as he twirled her around until he sat her down in her feet. After looking at her while she laughed he was again serious. He grabbed her by her waist and started kissing her slow. He lowered her to the bed and hovered over her so he wouldn't hurt her. He moved her on top and kissed harder. Starfire started to shake. "I shouldn't have.. I'm sorry." Robin said looking in her eyes. "No. I did not mean to shake. I do not wish to stop." Starfire assured him. "I know you're not ready to.." Robin began. "I believe that I am ready." Starfire assured him. Robin looked at her thoughtfully and took his cape off. "Robin?" Starfire asked breathing heavily. "Yes?" He answered no longer unsure. "What would the others think?" Starfire asked looking down. "They don't have to know Starfire. This is something between us. This is us expressing love. Something we do just us. Something that has us closer." Robin tried to explain looking for the right words. "I understand." Starfire said getting it. Starfire took her hands and brought them to Robin's shirt. She rubbed it for a second then pulled it off. Robin stood up leaving her laying on the bed facing him. Robin striped himself down of everything, then he removed his mask. Starfire watched in amazement. She wanted him more than ever. Robin walked over to her and took her boots off. Then her skirt. The her top. Then her bra. Then her panties. Finally she was there for him to take. Robin laid down beside her and started kissing her harder and passionate than he ever had. His hands felt every curve in her body and hers laid on his neck. Robin moved his lips to her neck and began to his her neck gently. "Robin." Starfire sighed in her same sweet voice. Robin then stopped and looked at her. She nodded in confirmation of what his expression asked. She closed her eyes and then when she felt him she groaned really loud. Robin backed off scared he hurt her. "Are you okay?" Robin asked placing a hand on her cheek. "Yes. I am okay Robin. You may resume I am truly fine." Stafire said with a fire in her eyes. Robin saw the fire and got excited. She felt him again but this time it was so much stronger. She gasped. "When's it my turn?" A voice asked from the corner of the room. Starfire squealed and hit him so hard with a star bolt he became unconscious. "Robin!" She yelled out of fright. "It's okay." Robin said holding her. "Here, put your things back on before he regains consciousness." Robin said handing her her clothes and putting his own back on. When they were finished they looked at Red X as he was starting to stir. "Is it my turn?" Red X laughed walking to Starfire. Robin got in front of Starfire and punched Red X in the face. "Touch her and you won't see tomorrow." Robin scowled. "Is that a threat boy wonder?" Red X asked challengingly. "It's a promise." Robin snapped back. Starfire felt so exposed and wanted to cry as she remembered what Red X did before. She stood strong and held her ground. "Leave." Starfire ordered raising her voice. "Who's gonna make me, princess?" Red X asked. "I am." Starfire said and blasted him out of the room. "Woah!" Beast Boy yelled from the kitchen. Raven looked up from her book and ran to the action with Beast Boy following behind. "Good shot babe." Red X smirked. "She's not your babe. She's not your anything." Robin scowled. "What makes you so sure I can't change that?" Red X asked. "I'd have to drop dead." Starfire said stepping in. "That could be aranged." Terra said stepping out of the hall. "How'd you get in here?" Raven snapped. "Ground is made of earth remember?" Tera's laughed. "You busted through our floor?!" Beast Boy asked in a yell. "Yea, Raven your room is really creepy." Terra laughed. "Stay out of my room!" Raven ordered. "That's right Raven get mad." Terra challenged. "That's not gonna work this time hard head." Raven said emotionlessly and hit her with power against the wall. "Awe Rae, does it still bother you that Beast Boy almost picked me? He was gonna leave you for me." Terra said trying to provoke her. "He picked me, does that bother you?" Raven threw back at her and hit her again. Terra used rocks from the ground to cover her but Raven quickly got them off. "I'm not worried about it. I know it hurt. Beast Boy broke up with you because he didn't know if he still loved me. That's gotta hurt. Being in love and then someone else coming in and then he's not sure anymore." Terra said testing her limits. "Shut up." Raven scowled. "Raven. Don't listen to her. I love you. You know I love you. I was stupid and I'm sorry." Beast Boy yelled to her while he was helping fight Red X. " Did you hear that? Maybe you're as dumb as the stones you throw." Raven smirked. "Bite me." Terra rolled her eyes. "Your gonna wish that's all I did." Raven said grabbing Terra in her powers and slamming her into the floor. Terra couldn't set herself free until she used a rock from the floor the knock her away from Raven. Raven hit her over and over while Terra squirmed in fear. "Ouch. That's gotta hurt." Raven smirked her eyes turning like Trigon's. "Raven!" Beast Boy called to her placing his hand on her shoulder. Raven's eyes returned to normal. "She's had enough." Robin said as Raven fell into Beast Boy's arms. "I'm sorry." She said muffled through his shirt. "It's okay, Raven." He assured her and rubbed his hands across her back. "What do you want? What did you come for?" Starfire asked pinning Red X against the wall. "Adena." He said and they both vanished. "What happened?" Adena asked coming in the door. "They were here." Beast Boy answered. "They were here for you."

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