Bring Trigon Here

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"Beast Boy!" Slade yelled. "If you ever try to talk to them again I'll kill her!" Beast Boy bowed is head. "Yes sir." He replied. "Just don't kill Raven." He begged. "Welcome to our side. I've missed you." Terra said hugging him. "Get off." Beast Boy growled. "I don't care if you like it or not! You are on our side. You might as well just think of me like you used to. I did all of that coming back and warning you guys because of you. This is what I was promised and it's what I wanted. You Beast Boy. Now you are finally mine." Terra said trying to kiss him. "I'll never be yours. Don't ever try to kiss me again." He spat and threw her to the ground. "Stop children!" Slade yelled. "Terra you really just tried to kiss him?" Red X laughed. "Shut up." She snapped. "Okay." He chuckled making kissing faces. "Where is Trigon?" Beast Boy asked. "You really haven't figured it out yet?" Red X mocked. "He's not on this earth." Slade started. "You're going to just tell him?!" Terra asked loudly. "He's with us. If he decides to leave we kill his girlfriend. He will stay." Slade pointed out. "As I was saying, he has been helping us by giving me power again. The objective is to kidnap Adena and use Speedy against her will to bring Trigon here. We will all rule together." Slade finished. "You're a fool if you think you will rule with him. He's using you like before." Beast Boy growled. "Shut up boy." Slade said hitting him. Beast Boy was about to swing back. "Do it and Raven dies." Slade snapped. Beast Boy stumbled back and put his hands on his head. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "You are forgiven dear boy." Slade said quickly. "The apology wasn't for you. It was for Raven." Beast Boy said harshly. "Slade." Terra called to him. "What, girl?" He snapped. "Come here." She said with a hard look. "You can't tell him we have to get Raven too. Especially not that she will die." Terra whispered. "I know." Slade said like it was obvious. "Okay." She said and walked away from his side. "Come apprentices we have planning to do. First we need to capture Speedy." Slade said walking into another room. Everyone followed in a line with Beast Boy in the back.
"Speedy?" Adena asked approaching someone knocking at the door. "Yea. I'm back." He announced. "Hey." She said opening the door. "I got sodas, herbal tea for Raven, snacks, and everything that was asked for." Speedy said dropping grocery bags on the kitchen counter. "Thanks." Adena said kissing his cheek. "I gotta go to my team for a couple of hours. Aqualad sent me a message saying they needed my help. I'll be back before it gets dark." Speedy promised her. "Okay be safe." Adena said hugging him and they shared a cute peck on the lips. They shared I love you's and he was on his way.
"Guys? Where are you?" Speedy asked pulling up to the coordinates Aqualad sent him. "They are not coming dear boy." Slade said stepping out of the darkness. "You're coming with us."

Hey y'all
I love you all!!!
Do you think Speedy will get out of this one?

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