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"Now isn't that sweet!" Red X exclaimed as he came on a screen in the room where Cyborg was watching. "Robin!" Cyborg yelled as he pressed the intercom button and Robin shot out if Starfire's arms and up to Cyborg. "What do you want X?" Robin said through gritted teeth. "Now that is a stupid question! You know what I want, are you going to hand over my prize at midnight?" Red X said smoothly. "Where is my little cutie anyways?" He asked. "He can't see where exactly we are." Cyborg said to Robin but he was too furious to listen. "For the last time she is not your little anything! You will never have Starfire! I will have to stop breathing for that to ever happen. She is mine and your not taking her!" Robin yelled as he got closer to the screen. "The breathing thing can be arranged!" Red X shouted back at him. Red X then vanished from the screen and Robin ran back to see if Starfire was okay. "Star, you alright?" Robin asked as he bent down to place his hand on her cheek. "I heard what Red X said; Cyborgs hand was on the intercom." Starfire said on the verge of tears. "Oh, Star I'm sorry. It's alright I won't let him take you." Robin said as he sat her in his lap and held her. "Robin, could you stay with me tonight? I am truly fearful of the Red X." Starfire asked shaking. "Yes, I will stay with you tonight but I have to go now, I will be back." Robin said as he tucked Starfire's hair behind her ears and kissed her forehead. Starfire watched his every step as he walked out.

"Beastboy? Did you see that? Behind the tree!" Raven said startled. "What? What is it?" Beast Boy asked stepping in front if her to protect her. In the distance they saw Red X waving and running to the other side of the tower. Raven pulled out her communicator. "Robin! Red X is trying to get in he's outside; he just ran to the right side of the tower." Raven shouted into her device. "Find him. Hold him off until I can get there. Make sure he does not get into the tower!" Robin yelled back. "Be careful." Beast Boy said as he grabbed her arm when she tried to take off and kissed her. "Be safe." He said as he turned into a lion and started to run. "X! Stop! Turn and fight me like a man!" Beast Boy yelled now behind Red X in human form. "Ha! 'Like a man' your name is Beast Boy for a reason. Too easy." Red X said turning to face Beast Boy. "Lets see who the real man is then." Beast Boy said getting irritated. "May the best man win I guess." Red X said laughing. "I plan on it." Beast Boy said turning into a gorilla. Red X shot at him with one of his x's but Beast Boy tore threw it. Red X's eyes widened because Beast Boy has never been this good and, no one had ever broke his x. "Give it up! You always screw everything up! What makes you think you can win now? Oh you want to save the day for your creepy little girlfriend." Red X said chuckling. "She is not creepy; she is different! The only thing I will screw up is you! Beast Boy yelled as he grabbed Red X with Gorilla hands. "Where is the witch anyways?" Red X asked. "She is not a witch!" He yelled as he slammed Red X on the ground. "She's right here!" Raven yelled from behind him with her eyes glowing and power ready at her hands. "You need your girl to help you! Sad man." Red X said laughing really hard. "Raven I need to do this alone." Beast Boy said to her. "Beast Boy." Raven said longingly. Red X and Beast Boy began fighting and Raven sat on the ground yelling every time Beast Boy was hit. "X marks the spot." Beast Boy said as he knocked Red X out. "Baby!" Raven screamed as she threw her arms around Beast Boy. "I'm so proud of you! Raven said in his shirt. "Beast Boy! Wow I'm impressed." Robin said patting Beast Boy's back as he walked to Red X. "Hey birdy." Red X said dizzy now rising to his feet. "You lay a hand on my girlfriend it will be the last thing you do." Robin say as he held Red X by his shirt then threw him down. "I'll be back at midnight." Red X assured then disappeared. "Go check on Star and Cyborg." Beast Boy told Robin. "Raven?" Robin said before walking out. "Raven!" Beast Boy yelled to see Raven hurt on the ground. "One of his electric x's hit me as he left. I'm okay." Raven said surely not okay. "Raven." Beast Boy said longingly stroking her hair. "Go get Cyborg!" Beast Boy yelled to Robin as Robin ran inside. "Rae please get up. I'm sorry I didn't see. Please don't leave me stay strong." Beast Boy whispered as he pulled her to his chest. "Beast Boy bring her to the medical room." Cyborg ordered from the door. Beast Boy picked her up and ran into the medical room as he could as a human. "Where is Starfire?" Raven asked through pain. "Robin is with her it will be fine just focus on getting better." Cyborg said hooking her up to a cord. "We have used this room more then I would like latley." Beast Boy said sadly. "It's okay, I'm fine." Raven said trying to get up. "Whoa now." Cyborg said as he sat her back down. "What's wrong? Is she gonna be okay?" Beast Boy asked as he took her hand. "She will be okay. Just let her sit for ten minutes after this then get some sleep. We all are." Cyborg said as he injected Raven and she winched in pain. "Baby." Beast Boy said as he held her. "Where is Red X?" Beast Boy asked Cyborg as he walked. "Clueless." Cyborg said as he left.

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