The Four Elements

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"Terra?" Cyborg questioned to see Terra breathing heavy against a wall. "Get away from me." Terra said shaking. "Terra you might not be our friends be we are yours." Starfire said putting her hand on Terra's shoulder. "I said don't touch me." Terra said her eyes glowing yellow and she grabbed Starfire's arm and it started to cover by mud to cover her. Starfire used her star bolts to knock off the mud and slam Terra against the wall. Robin grabbed Starfire's shoulder and walked in front of her for protection. "What's you're problem." Robin snapped. "Look. There is this thing called The Elements. Four children are born of black magic, a human, and an element. The black magic is why we are bound to make evil mistakes. We are born of evil but ment for greatness; I know I made the wrong choice but it's too late now. The rest of us are good.I am one of the four. We all look alike but with different things about us. There is Aira daughter of the wind. By the way are names mean are elements are. Cain, son of water. Adena, daughter of fire. I felt bad because I killed Adena's mom when I lost control the other day and she just tracked me down and is trying to hurt me. She's much more powerful but she can't control her power; she is dangerous." Terra explained. "Sounds familiar." Raven said sarcastically. "Please if she comes to you help her and make sure we don't corrupt her." Terra pleaded. "We can help both of you." Cyborg said. "I don't help." She snarled. "I'm nobody's sob story and I made my choice. I fight for Slade and I am only asking for you're help for her. Next time you see me it won't be for help." Terra snapped then use her powers to create a rock and ride it away. "Having a girl with fire powers will be pretty hard to control but we have to help her." Robin said to the team. "Another emotionally unstable girl who can't control her powers? Yay." Raven said sarcastically. "Everyone does indeed deserve a chance." Starfire added in. "Yea. Come on Rae were the Teen Titans. We help people." Beast Boy said sweetly. "I guess." Raven rolled her eyes. "So what, we wait for the girl to come along?" Cyborg asked. "No, we search for her." Robin said heading to the tower.
"Terra wanted help at the beginning then everything changed. What if this Adena does not wish to be helped?" Starfire asked Robin while they were riding on his motorcycle. "I don't know Star. I guess we just have to find out." Robin told her then focused on the road. "Dude I found a major heat signal." Cyborg said to Robin from the T car. "Lead the way." Robin ordered. Cyborg took off ahead while Starfire flew off the bike and started flying herself, Robin kept riding, Beast Boy followed as an eagle, and Raven floated. "Titans stop!" Robin ordered. Adena was sitting her bed as her father yelled at her. The titans watched her from the window. All they could understand was how angry he was. "He is mad for no reason. He is a heavy drunk and drug attic. He beats her. He does not know about her power." Raven said using her power to know what was going on. "He beats her?" Starfire asked sadly. "We have to get her out of there." Beast Boy added. "How are we gonna help her?" Cyborg asked. "Nothing we can do but leave a note. It's up to her." Robin said as he wrote down a note, folded it up, and got ready to put it in her room. "He hit her!" Beast Boy said in shock. Adena hit the floor and her dad walked out. Adena's eyes became glowing red as she got up. She covered her face, dropped to the floor, and began to cry. Raven used her power to put the note on her bed. "It's all in her hands." Raven said.

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